Micah 6:6-8

Wednesday 20th January 2010

Today Shevon and I meet to spend some time developing intimacy with God. It was great.

We prayed, shared some testimonies, talked about the importance of prioritising where God is concerned then discussed today's reading from a Deaf devotional we recently got.

Before I share about the reading, I must share Shevon's testimony. He told me that sometime ago, he used to give a homeless man (vagrant) food and tell him about living a better life by praying and stop his smoking habit. Actually, he would purposely bring food for him and talk to him on a regular basis. Anyway, at some point he noticed that the man was no longer there and he began to wonder if he had died amongst other things. Then one day he saw the man, well dressed and looking decent and they began to talk. The man had gotten a job and even more, he went in his pocket and gave Shevon $200!! Imagine that!!

Well my pores raised and I just praised God over and over again!! Wow!! What a mighty God we serve!!

Right, so today's reading focused on "What God wants" and the memory verse was Micah 6:6-8, which reads:

With what shall I come before the LORD
and bow done before the exalted God?
Shall I come before him with burnt offerings,
with calves a year old?
Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams,
with ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression,
the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
All in all, the lesson learnt was that often times we are too busy and preoccupied with trivial matters that we forget to consult God and find out what God wants. Shevon and I both admitted that we have been guilty of doing this and made a commitment to seek God first in the week ahead of us and in Deaf Church and ADC decisions.
Added to all of this, we knew that God had a purpose in our meeting today because the reading was in sync with what we were discussing prior to today's reading. The New Testament verse that stood out to me was Matthew 6:33 which reads:
But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well
Thank you Lord for a good day.

Pause...smile...smile again =)

Tuesday 19th January 2010

Today I helped Ian and Lisa with their contract of employment. *Pause and smile...smile again. I had another commitment at 6pm and I promised to meet them at 4pm and I really did not realise that it was an entire four-page legal document that they wanted me to explain lol.

God is good because it was done. I was able to explain and still keep my appointment! I smile because it is just amazing how peaceful I felt and I never had the urge to complain. I just enjoyed interpreting and it felt so natural as if it was something I was created to do.

Oh how wonderful it is to help those you love!

I feel good

Monday 18th January 2010

I began 2010 feeling spiritually lethargic and I was not happy about it...

Today I feel so good (good good. I feel good, wonderful good) and I really really do!! Praise God!! Well, Azard and Neela came to my home for some help with a handout on communication particularly in preparation for marriage.

I TOTALLY enjoyed spending time with them. It was so fulfilling and satisfying especially when I could tell that they left edified. What a blessing it is to be a blessing!!

Added to all of this, I must say that I am now convinced that the more I deposit into the lives of the Deaf, the more God deposits into my life. I think that it's amazing that while I'm teaching and explaining about communication in marriages based on the information they have been given, I am also learning in the process... it's like a big bonus for doing something you love!! haha

I feel good
I feel love
I feel faith hold
I feel strong
Chatting with Jesus

THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!

2009 in Review

January to December 2009

THANK YOU LORD for the multitude of blessings in 2009.

I have dreams and when I see God fulfilling those dreams before my eyes, all I could do is just stand in awe of him. I have dreams that I never thought I will even begin to fulfill - seemingly trivial dreams and BIG dreams. The year 2009 was amazing and I feel that when I said "Yes" to God and volunteered at ADC, I also said yes to a whirlwind (I was about to say whirlpool hehe) of blessings... Of these blessings, the following two are at my front burners:

1. Travelled multiple times in a single year: Suriname, Amsterdam, Tobago, Barbados, Costa Rica, Panama, New York, New Jersey
2. Got a motorcycle ride!! whooo hoo!!

Oh yes, and I also
  • started driving after 4 or 5 years with my license!
  • got another more convenient job!
  • had my first pinata and best birthday ever!
  • had the best Christmas ever!
  • greeted the new year in a foreign country!


NJ with Siquina and Obie

Tuesday 29th - Wednesday 30th December 2009

To Siquina and Obie, a BIG THANK YOU, for your hospitality, the adventure, the laughter and the love!!! I feel so blessed to know you both!

Bess Christmas

Friday 25th December 2009

Thank you to the following persons for giving me a Christmas to remember :D

Papa Bear
Mama Bear
Mommy Bear
Cubbie Bear
Granny Bear