To Shevon and Omar

Wednesday 3rd February 2010

As I write this I remember Moses and the two people who stood at his side and held his hands up as the Israelites were at war. The scripture says in Exodus 17:11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.

That being said, recently I felt like I was fighting against the Amalekites and my hands were getting weary like Moses. Then, just as Moses had Aaron and Hur to help him, I had Shevon and Omar.

Exodus 17:12
When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up -- one on one side, one on the other -- so that his hands remainded steady till sunset.

Thank you Lord for placing me in a Spiritual family and sending people in my life to encourage me...thank Lord!

Deaf Spelling Bee Competition 2010

Saturday 30th January 2010

Well, believe it or not, I served as a judge for the Deaf Spelling Bee on Saturday. Wow! Just about a year or so ago I'm not sure if I would have been able to serve in this capacity but here I was interacting and joking and laughing with the other Deaf judges there.

Of course I had a grand time!! I'm just amazed at how fast God works. It seemed like it was just a few months ago that I volunteered to assist and I never considered that I would have all these exciting and learning experiences. I never considered all these blessings and favour will come my way....but it did and I am so grateful!

Thank you Lord

To Ian - a light in the darkness

Wednesday 27th January 2010

Ian, Cubbie, Shevon, Krystal and I meet to have a devotional session. Each person was able to share about anything that was on their mind and hearts like a testimony or a prayer request. Everyone seemed to have a longing to get closer to God and a greater commitment to reading His Word, praying and being a good witness.

Somehow Ian just stood out to me on this day. His light was just shining in the darkness. He testified about the favour God has been pouring into his life and I could tell that God's face was shining upon him. Unlike the rest of us, he stated that he read his Bible and prayed regularly.

I felt as if Ian was a torch shining in my dark world. I remembered the intimacy I onced shared with God and I began to thirst for it once more. I began to miss the daily favours of the Lord and the relationship we shared. Ian reminded me of God's faithfulness and I needed to be reminded.

Thank you Lord for Ian
May you bless him and prosper him
Whatever he puts his hands to do is successful
He is above only and never below
Favour is chasing him down wherever he goes
Ian is blessed in his going and coming
In Jesus' name I pray

One beat

Saturday 23rd January 2010

Today I interpreted for a drumming class in Siparia. It was pretty interesting to see how excited the Deaf were about drumming and even more amazing to witness was how they drummed together in one beat, one sound, one rhythm in harmony!!

I cant help but think about our lives as Christians. We are different but yet belong to one body. A body that breathes and lives in harmony. That oneness reminds me of the oneness in heart, mind and spirit that the Holy Spirit brings to people of different races, nationalities, cultures etc.

Praise the Lord!