
Saturday 15th May 2010

Psalm 91:11 "For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go."

On the morning of Mother's Day, Shevon, his wife Pauline and son Mark as well as Colin and his wife Krystal were involved in a vehicular accident as they were on their way to church. In that trauma section of the San Fernando General Hospital, I saw tears of gratitude in Pauline and Krystal's eyes and a meditative, pensive, grateful expression on Shevon's face. Shevon was driving when the incident occured. He said he saw angels.. he saw angels protecting them as the car collided with another, spun and flipped over. My pores raised. My eyes were moisted. I praised God.

"He will give his angels charge over thee..."

I know that God had protected his children that day. His children, who were also 'angels' in my life. I tried my best to be of service, to offer prayer, comfort, do some interpreting but when I looked over it was Omar who was the greater servant. He had arrived at the incident upon contact and was interpreting for police officers and nurses and doctors and wheeling over hospital beds here and there. I wonder if Shevon and Pauline and Krystal and Colin realised that God had sent another 'angel' to help them?

This week I paused and I recalled the 'angels' God had sent in my life: Mama (she would be the 'queen-angel' if such a being exists lol), Joey Howell and Brooke Nicholson. Then of course there are people whose spirit are just kindred to yours: Mama again (she's queen..remember? lol) and Allison St Brice. Also, those friends who will always be friends even when there's a gap in communication like Michael Thomas. I thought about Papa and his fatherly love in Suriname, I thought about Siquina and Obie and how natural it felt to be with them in New Jersey. Then I thought about Omar who God had sent during this season in my life.. another 'angel'.

Omar receptionist, Cubbie Bear, Mr bmobile, Big Head, Bachack (cant spell dat), Black ant, Whitey, Mr "uncrampable style" has been a brother and a friend to me. I smile when I think about how I often wondered what having a brother meant then God drops another 'angel' into the equation. I feel blessed to have him with me for this period. I not only have a worthy Mastermind opponent but a valuable ADC family member who makes decision making seem so easy and the leadership responsibilities appear less overwhelming. I value our friendship and I thank God for placing him in my life!

Reader, I'm beginning to think that Agape Deaf Centre is breeding 'angels' in my life lol. ADC should really be Angel Discovery Centre.

To Krystal and Pauline

Saturday 8th May 2010

Well Reader, let's talk about my beautiful sisters Pauline and Krystal smile. I really dont know where to start when it comes to these two young women. They are my friends, my teachers, my students. I am always learning from them and sharing with them and they are very dear to my heart_ smile again.

Lord, thank you. My heart is swollen with gratitude.

I think it is always good to pause and consider. I pause now. I consider Krystal - carefree, jovial, real. It is so refreshing to be in her company and I am ALWAYS 'me' - the real me - in her company. As I write, my eyes are moist and my heart is smiling...I realise how much she has helped me to become a better me. Wow...who would I have been if God in His wisdom had not given me Precious Deaf friends? Krystal has shown me how to 'free-up' myself and be free to be who I am regardless of what others may think or say.

Her appetite for the Word and her childlike amazement as she discovers the promises of God strikes me. I have become too accustomed to God's Word that I have forgotten the joy of having God as my first love. Krystal reminds me. SMILE. Why is God so merciful to me? Look at how He loves me and speaks to me through others... thank you Father.

I consider Pauline - youthful, never complaining, full of the Word, a kingdom woman! I remember the first day she came to devotions and I was so impressed by her knowledge of the Word. What a woman! We share a common love for plants and shopping and other girly things...we even share the same age lol. I look at Pauline and I see a beautiful, responsible, mature woman - the woman I have not yet become but aspire to be. I admire her. I value her friendship and I embrace her wisdom, which I know comes from her knowledge of the Word. I feel as if God is using her to minister to me and mentor me.
Krystal and Pauline.
Well, I cannot say that I have any close female Christian friends outside my Deaf circle of friends. Some my argue about they dept of a Deaf person's understanding of the Word but I know that the relationship I have with my Deaf sisters is nothing like what I've shared with others. The sharing of His Word is real and dynamic and they are a wonderful blessing in my life.

Father, you know my needs and you know them better than I do. Look how you have supplied them! I answered the call and you have given me gifts that I dont deserve and I am so grateful.

I am proud to say that I have Deaf friends. They are gifts that God has given to me and though some may not understand the special relationship we share, I know that my heart is at home and that God is revealing himself to me through them.

Mr George Daniel

Saturday 8th May 2010

Wow lol, I havent written since February and now I'm trying to task my brains to remember all the things that would have impacted me from Feb-April 2010.

The first thing that comes to mind is Mr George Daniel's death in April. I was shaken... First impressions are lasting, they say and I think the memory of my first meeting with him will last a lifetime. I must have spoken about that day in a previous post... but I remember feeling extremely encouraged. Yes, I remember him referring to the disabled community as "my people" and I left feeling as if I were a part of something great. It was one of those moments that you know has changed your life but you're not sure how... Even now, I'm writing and smiling and thinking that I'm not expressing myself adequately...You see, something great happened that day. Here I am - young, passionate, inexperienced and there he was, looking at me and through his eyes and words, his strength was revealed. I was in the presence of greatness and he spoke to me not as a young girl who is new and green but as a person_a person with a contribution to make a change. That was the day a pillar was rooted in my life. Something happened and it was great. Mr George Daniel impacted my life a way that's hard to explain. I cant forget him.