Meeting with SIL International

Friday 29th August 2008

Well God must have orchestrated this day because I had my own plans and they never materialised. I was supposed to go by my good friend to see her new born baby boy. We made arrangements and everything was set. The plan was for me to go to church to have my lapy tapy configured then I will go to her home.

That was my plan.
Now here's God's plan.

When I got to church, my friend called and told me her husband will be able to pick me up so I began to organise myself to leave. Then she called again and told me that he has some things to do in San Fernando before he goes home so I could basically take my time. With that, I decided to stay for a meeting Aunty Olga and Ian were supposed to have. As usual, I did not know what the meeting was about or who the meeting was with lol. I was just happy like pappy and glad to be involved with the ministry!

I entered the Conference Room last because I was exchanging some greetings with the usher. As I entered, I realised that I was about to be a part of something important and meaningful but I still did not know what it was. I tried to put on my professional demeanor lol (You know the one where you speak Standard English and behave like you did not grow up in the country/"bush"! Yes, you know it. Well, that one lol). Anyway, Pastor Mark introduced Mr Doelman and Mr Payne from SIL and a few moments later the meeting began. I'm not sure when it happened, but I was given the role of note taker lol.

Believe it or not, I forgot about my prior engagment with my friend. I was just consumed in my role and all the information that was circulating within the room. As time elasped and the meeting progressed, something began to become more and more glaring. I realised that several linguistic issues were being raised and it became so very clear why I pursued so many linguistic and language courses at University. I was just at the right place at the right time. I sat in awe. I was just amazed at God! lol He thought about it long before; He was weaving His mastermind plan! Imagine that! lol God you're awesome!

Only as the meeting was nearing an end, I realised that my friend had texted me. She basically said that we could arrange for another meeting if I was unable to come that day. There were no hard feelings or resentment associated with the text lol. I let her know I couldnt make it and I just marvelled at how God holds things together! Colossians 1:17 "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together" NIV

I was just bubbling bubbling bubbling with excitement when the meeting was over. Aunty Olga told me she began to wonder if I would feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the projects presented but I just loved it!! I found my place :D

After this meeting Aunty Olga and I talked over some Subway sandwiches and the feeling that I knew her for years never left. I felt so comfortable with her and knew that God also had our relationship as part of his plan. lol Hallelujah!

Praise be unto Him!!! He is worthy and faithful and true!!!


Unknown said...

Indeed nothing happens before it's time. Especially where the ALMIGHTY is concerned. I am happy that you found your calling and your purpose. GOD is GREAT & HOLY! Hold fast unto him.

Zisca said...

"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time" Ecclesiastes 3:11

I cant help but think of this scripture after reading ur comment!