Regulations at Licensing Office San Fernando

Wednesday 3rd September 2008

When I look back and reflect upon the experiences I had with Aunty Olga before she left, I realised that God was preparing me to take responsibility for certain things in her absence. For instance, this day at the licensing office.

Here, I met Mr Ramdass the Assistant Transport Commissioner. Aunty Olga, four Deaf persons and myself were in his office as he organised their documents. It so happened that one of the Deaf boys Colin, had placed his documents at the Licensing Office in Port-of-Spain. So Mr Ramdass arranged a letter for it to be transferred. In this process, he asked me about my position at Agape Deaf Centre and took the liberty to "prophesy" (that is the word he used) into my life. He declared me to be a trainer within the Centre and he actually wrote that in the letter lol. I just looked at Aunty Olga and she nodded in agreement lol. Whatever God wills was my attitude!

After this, Himlater, Nalini, Shivan and Colin wrote their regulations and got their learners (well all except Colin because his papers needed to be transferred). It was a type of joy that could only be understood when you see the expression on their faces! Only later I realised how meaningful this seemingly minor achievement was for them. Particularly for those with a poor English competence, passing the Regulation examination meant so much to them. It signified a great achievement after much hard work and diligence.
"People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved" Anne Sullivan

That afternoon Aunty Olga left Trinidad.


Unknown said...

I am soo happy that this dream has become a reality for everyone at Agape. I remember three years ago Mrs Olga shared this dream with me and its quite profound that in time God has worked it through and guided you to the organisation! Keep up the good work and when He has fully prepared me; I hope to return to give of myself in the true spirit of "Agape"! God Bless and plz send my Congratulations and LOVE!

Zisca said...

Are you saying that Aunty Olga had a vision of the Deaf doing their regs and getting their license three years ago? I did not know that. Wow! Tell me more about it.

Well Agape will welcome you back with open arms!! :D I will send my love for you! Thanks for the support!

Unknown said...

Lol! When I said 'dream' it wasn't in the literal sense it was more of foresight to see that something could be done to improve the lives of her charges. She is really a blessing to those around her.Take care!

Zisca said...

lol I know what u meant. I just thought you were referring specifically to the acquisition of their drivers