Cast down but not destroyed (2 Corin 4:9)

Tuesday 24th February 2009

I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my blog before, but I started working about three months ago and it has become increasing difficult to spend time and be involved in the lives of the precious Deaf. It is a discomforting feeling to know that I could only be available on weekends and when I do see them on Sundays for Deaf Church, I feel so disconnected from their lives.

I am not satisfied...

Some time ago a Deaf girl texted me about a personal issue that she has been going through. I felt her burden as if it were mine. My little heart just went out to her and I wanted to help in whatever way I could. I remember reflecting upon the particular circumstance and feeling so restricted and irritated because I was not available on weekdays. I went to work the following day very discouraged and with a burning desire to return to my first love...

Please understand that I am contented with my job, it's just that I would feel much more at ease if there were someone to attend to needs of the Deaf during the week. Attending Deaf Church on Sundays are just not enough. Even when I forsake the hearing service to stay with them, I still feel somewhat disconnected and ultimately dissatisfied.

Well...God is still in control. I say "have your way Father"

Mention must be made of the Bible Translation Project with SIL. Pastor Mark, Bro Nico and I had a meeting recently and I happy to report that things seem to be working out smoothly. I'm looking forward to serving the Deaf in this capacity!!

Though I may feel discouraged, I know that God is working in my life and the lives of he Deaf and He is faithful to complete the good work that He began in our lives.


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