I just want to know...steups

Tuesday 16th June 2009

I meant to write about some young Deaf persons that I continue to see at the PTSC bus terminus as I wait for my bus to go home after work. I meant to write about how I often long to talk to them but I'm praying for the right opportunity to. I meant to write about how good it is to share the gospel with the Deaf leaders and how encouraged I feel when I encourage them. I meant to write about that.

Tonight I intend to write about something that has troubled my heart enough for me to just write about it, question it, publish it... Where to begin? Sigh...I guess the question weighing on my mind and more my heart is really What makes a Hearing person better than a Deaf person? Their ability to hear?? Sometimes I wonder if that is even an ability...steups. There is so much more to life than prestige and wealth. Human relationships is the most valuable investment....Humility is key.

The most disheartening, discouraging, disappointing thing is when you expect a certain group of people to know better and to act differently from other people groups then you are slapped...yes slapped with the rude reality that it simply is not so. Maybe I am biased...maybe...but how does being biased towards the Deaf justify the prejudice, disrespect, negligance and indifference shown to the Deaf?? HOW?? steups again

So my question remains...how does a Hearing person automatically gain rank over a Deaf person?
Whosoever equals homeless, blind, deaf, orphan, widow, sick, aged, outcast, unloved, rejected, prostitute, tax collector ....Jesus died for us all.
Amazing how the sun and rain know how to shine and fall without partiality, yet we are still learning these lessons...

1 comment:

Nancy Marshall said...

Thanks Alana.
Jesus was an amazing equalizer. The Pharisees thought they had it over the common folk and Jesus said he came to eat with sinners.

The Jews hated the Samaritans and yet Jesus makes a Samaritan the hero in a story with a Pharisee and a Levite. The Samaritan did the neighborly thing.

Women were oppressed and not allowed to go to the synogogue to learn about God. People thought women's brains could not handle theology. Yet Jesus praised Mary for sitting at his feet and listening. He engaged in a theological discussion with the Samaritan woman at the well and announced to her...the first person to be told...that he was the promised Messiah.

The whole concept of someone being "better" than someone else for whatever reason: hearing, rich, position, male ...whatever!!!! is not part of Jesus' kingdom.

It's God's grace that makes us all free, no matter who we are. If we can grasp that, we will not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. 1 Cor 13:4-5

Dear Alana...thank you for being a child of God and sharing your journey on the Way.