Pastor Colin

Sunday 16th August 2009

My Precious of the day is *drum roll...... COLIN WOOD

I was soo impressed by Colin today. I saw a change, a willingness to learn and a sense of initiative and growing spiritual maturity that I had never seen in him before. During Deaf Church today, Ian asked him to explain last week's teaching. He wrote Hebrews 10:24 and went on to explain it thoroughly. He said the scripture, he explained what it meant and he gave such relevant examples without anyone prompting. I looked on and it was hard to ignore how good he was! Everyone applauded him energetically.

I was a bit amazed and very proud of the change I had witnessed. When church was over, he said the closing prayer and yet again he grabbed my attention. His prayer was so detailed and genuine. He remembered to pray for the special needs identified in the service and there was a clear sense of maturity in his requests. His prayer revealed that he had paid attention during the teaching. Again, everyone seemed to experience the same joy I felt by the obvious difference in attitude.

I told both Colin and his wife Krystal how impressed I was that he remembered the teachings!! I was so moved by this unexpected change and I was so grateful to God and all His hidden treasures in secret places!

Well, after church, we went to visit a good friend of ours who was at the hospital. Everyone got an opportunity to express a greeting to our friend and yet again Colin stood out!! He volunteerily went to our sick friend and began to give strong words of encouragement and wisdom. I stood and looked on with gladness and awe at God's work in Colin's life. He spoke with such authority and his words were so powerful and uplifting. I believed it but I still couldnt believe that this was the same Colin I knew.

I told him that he was a great teacher, a good intercessor and now a counsellor!! So I started to call him Pastor Colin! When I went to tell his wife, she was happy and she told me that he had already told her about his new name lol.

It was the most encouraging thing to see Colin maturing in the Lord. Today I got a sneak peak of the potential that God has placed within him and I was reminded that I may sometimes overlook the potential in others but God NEVER does. Everyone has spiritual giftings and a purpose to fulfill in life and God in His wisdom and His timing has equipped us with the tools to do what He has called us to do!

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