"My hands are small, I know.."

Saturday 10th October 2009

I'm learning Reader, I'm learning...

I am learning what is truly important. It is love. It is relationships. It is kindness. It is laughter. Is this the secret of the rose bud....?

I feel so renewed...sigh. I have been listening to Jhewel's "Hands" for the pass half hour or so and the words are so powerful. Here's a link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n-6uyMV9-0 Here are some words that really stood out to me:

"I wont be made useless"
"I am never broken"
"Poverty stole your golden shoes, it didn't steal your laughter"
"In the end, only kindness matters"
"We are never broken"

I just keep thinking about how nothing could break the human spirit... I think about the Deaf women and wives and the power they have within them; that strength that causes them to continue despite because they wont be made useless and they are NEVER broken.

Another thing is that I managed to randomly read one of the comments posted after this youtube video and mention was made of Rachel's Challenge. I challenge YOU to research it at this link http://www.rachelschallenge.org/ You have no excuse now because I provided the link!! I am touched by Rachel Scott's story. THANK YOU LORD FOR MY HANDS.

With these small hands, I will love, I will sign, I will write, I will teach, I will touch lives and_I WILL.

This afternoon some of the Deaf and I went to Logos Hope for a special dinner, tour then persual of the book store. It was an overall success! Yayyyyy!!! Hats off especially to crew members Liz and Jessica for their patience and time and love! *raise hats, smile, nod and replace hats :D Hats off to the wonderful drivers Roger, Kamal and Amena! Hats off to the PRO - Amena who followed through on all calls and ensured that everything was organised well! Hats off to all the lovely ladies who were dressed to impress!! Ok I think we should start clapping cuz ppl hands may be gettin tired from all the "raising of hats.... So finally let's have a healthy, hearty round of applause for all the deaf and hearing people who showed up tonight, ate well, paid attention to the tour guide, asked questions, bought books and left happy like pappy!!! *round of applause :D

Logos Hope brings help, knowledge and hope to people around the world. It's such a simple yet substantial and sustainable vision......errrrrrr which reminds me.... we gotta start working on the ADC vision asap...lol ..not funny :S


Saturday 3rd October 2009

I know it's been a while since I wrote and this could mean two things, namely
  1. I am too busy with my Precious-es that I have no time to write; or
  2. I am too free doing nothing, that there isn't anything to write about lol

Well, in this instance, the court rules in favour of the former. GOD IS AWESOME. GOD IS AMAZING. I just signed in on my blog moments ago, and I looked at the last post I published and laughed gratefully! Oh how God have been working and initiating change since that day in August!!

I must begin with the first change and blessing since that Monday in August when I wholeheartedly helped Kamal and Lisa and was ever so willing to show them love through this support. Would you believe that during this same week I received a phone call from a woman representing the Ministry of Education, offering me a job as a teacher at Vessigny Secondary School (VSS)!! To make a long story quite short, VSS is much much much closer to where I live than Port of Spain (where I worked before), so since I started teaching in September, I have been more relaxed, more rested, and the best thing of all things is that I GET TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH THE ADC FAMILY!!! WHOO HOOOO!!!

If this were a blog on my experiences as a teacher, I would say that the students could be challenging at times and from day to day I'm presented with endless opportunities to love the unloved to say the very least. However, this blog is not about my teaching experiences lol. What I would say is that I've taught a few classes sign language, specifically the alphabet :D What I would also say is that in my efforts to teach sign language and a little bit of Deaf culture to my students (in other words, as I deviate from the stipulated curriculum hehe), I meet a young student who has Deaf parents!! I am really excited about that and somehow I am ever so keen to ensure that he is well taken cared of.

As I write this, I am realising how much my 'personal' life and my ADC life are intimately intermingled. To me, there is a seamless interaction between the two and I find it hard to separate them. THIS IS MY FAMILY. THIS IS MY HOME. This is where I feel most comfortable and happiest! LOL I am reminded of an experience that I had two (2) Fridays ago at the hearing church. I think that I am so engrossed in the Deaf world that it just becomes a bit discomforting when I am confronted by so many hearing individuals. It's a strange reality. Unlike school and my average expected daily interactions with hearing persons, this Friday, I think that I was not subconsciously prepared to see so many hearing young people gathered together. I felt so misplaced and very uncomfortable. I was literally longing to return to a quiet and less socially charged atmosphere. WOW! I was shocked at my own reaction...

Anyway, where have we been? What have we been up to? I'm glad you asked Reader! We've been to the Logos Hope, we've been to the children's home in Gasparillo, we've been learning how to care for the brushcutters, we've been cleaning and putting things away not only physically but also structurally in terms of our Board of Directors (I'll say more about this shortly). We're been reaping produce and selling them, we've been working on our accounts and inventory as well as clarifying our partnership with SIL and SFOB. People have also been approaching us with a desire to support the Deaf and of course, we've been having fun!

In a nutshell, CHANGE IS HERE. Mama has been with us for a few weeks and as always it was absolutely wonderful having her here. She is not only the founder of ADC but a true Mama to the Deaf and to myself. This last few weeks spent with her revealed so much about her character. I must say "Thank you Lord for the gift of Mama (or Mama Bear as I fondly call her)". I see maturity, wisdom, humility, leadership qualities, inner strength, faith and confidence in an Almighty God in Mama. I can't say enough how much I love, honour, cherish, respect and appreciate her.

Well, as I wrap up this publication, I must mention as promised, that ADC has a new Board of Directors. Mama has passed on her service as Director to me and she is now our dear Trustee. I have no idea what challenges await me, but I am confident that God will see me through. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

PS August 25th, 2009 marked one year since I volunteered to work with ADC. The blessings that I am able to count are numerous but I know that both countable and uncountable blessings are endless. I have been blessed with jobs, opportunities for travel and unexpected favour! What's more is that I fulfilled a mere dream I had of getting a ride on a motorcycle...it sounds trivial but it was amazing!! I am also driving now after about four (4) years of not using my license and even renewing it! Yet most importantly, I have gained a family :D * BIG SMILE!!