"My hands are small, I know.."

Saturday 10th October 2009

I'm learning Reader, I'm learning...

I am learning what is truly important. It is love. It is relationships. It is kindness. It is laughter. Is this the secret of the rose bud....?

I feel so renewed...sigh. I have been listening to Jhewel's "Hands" for the pass half hour or so and the words are so powerful. Here's a link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n-6uyMV9-0 Here are some words that really stood out to me:

"I wont be made useless"
"I am never broken"
"Poverty stole your golden shoes, it didn't steal your laughter"
"In the end, only kindness matters"
"We are never broken"

I just keep thinking about how nothing could break the human spirit... I think about the Deaf women and wives and the power they have within them; that strength that causes them to continue despite because they wont be made useless and they are NEVER broken.

Another thing is that I managed to randomly read one of the comments posted after this youtube video and mention was made of Rachel's Challenge. I challenge YOU to research it at this link http://www.rachelschallenge.org/ You have no excuse now because I provided the link!! I am touched by Rachel Scott's story. THANK YOU LORD FOR MY HANDS.

With these small hands, I will love, I will sign, I will write, I will teach, I will touch lives and_I WILL.

This afternoon some of the Deaf and I went to Logos Hope for a special dinner, tour then persual of the book store. It was an overall success! Yayyyyy!!! Hats off especially to crew members Liz and Jessica for their patience and time and love! *raise hats, smile, nod and replace hats :D Hats off to the wonderful drivers Roger, Kamal and Amena! Hats off to the PRO - Amena who followed through on all calls and ensured that everything was organised well! Hats off to all the lovely ladies who were dressed to impress!! Ok I think we should start clapping cuz ppl hands may be gettin tired from all the "raising of hats.... So finally let's have a healthy, hearty round of applause for all the deaf and hearing people who showed up tonight, ate well, paid attention to the tour guide, asked questions, bought books and left happy like pappy!!! *round of applause :D

Logos Hope brings help, knowledge and hope to people around the world. It's such a simple yet substantial and sustainable vision......errrrrrr which reminds me.... we gotta start working on the ADC vision asap...lol ..not funny :S

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