Philippians 2:3-4

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Today I spent some time with Azard and Neela since I had some business related interpreting to do for them. I've mentioned this before and my feelings have not since changed: I am always grateful for the opportunity to spend individual quality time with my Deaf friends as it allows me to know a Deaf person on a deeper level.

Something different happened today. As we talked, laughed, shared and exchanged information, Azard and Neela became the mirror into which I saw my life. Somehow I was forced to reevaluate my own life against theirs as the layers of their characters were peeled away. Azard's ambition, sacrifice and concern for familial affairs were brought to the forefront and I was inspired. I was inspired and again forced to reevaluate [yes myself as an individual] but also my opinion of him.

Esteem: to value something or somebody highly; to have a high regard for something or someone; regard with respect or admiration.

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:3-4

And I, looked upon Azard in a way I've never done before.. with esteem =)


"I am only one, but I am one"

Sunday 12 December 2010

Dear reader,

I apologise. I apologise to you for not writing sooner and more frequently, although I suspect that you may also owe me an apology for not reading lately lol. Well, there has been nothing to read so relax :)

Anyway, I feel a bit discouraged tonight and somehow it always helps when I talk to you. *Dramatic pause... sigh... Tonight I was approached by a lady who confronted me and basically voiced her concerns about what she feels is the lack of activity within Agape Deaf Centre. I will not give an account of this conversation in detail for obvious reasons but I will say that at the end of the convo I was left with feelings of failure and inadequacy.

Reader, I am not a failure nor am I inadequate to fulfill the purpose that God has called me towards. This I know. Yet I feel incompetent and ineffectual in so many ways. Is it my youth? My unsociable tendencies? My shying away from responsibilities which comes with the title of director? My inexperience? I could list a million things that hinders my effectiveness as a good leader but I could hear God nudging me and reassuring me that I'm designed for His purpose in my life and I'm not serving the Deaf by accident.

It's funny how much I've grown, been humbled and learnt from my Deaf friends. Initially I expected to be the one imparting knowledge but here I am experiencing change. "Loving the Unloved" has everything to do with me Reader.

With tears in my eyes, tonight I kick inadequacy and failure aside and look to my God who is my strength, my source and my comfort. I turn to Him and ask Him to fill me, use me and hold me. Will you agree with me tonight Reader, whoever and wherever you are? All I need is God. All I need is God. He is enough. Edward Everett Hale said it best:

"I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do. And by the grace of God, I will."


Monday 4th October 2010

Dear Reader,

I haven't written in a while. Please forgive me. Maybe you haven't read in a while. I forgive you in advance. Now we're equal =)

Tonight I have a link I want you to view:

Here are the lyrics:

"You Move Me"

This is how life seems to me

Life is only therapy

Real expensive and no guarantee

So I lie here on the couch

With my heart hanging out

Frozen solid with fear

Like a rock in the ground

But you move me

You give me courage I didnt know I had

You move me

I can't go with you and stay where I am

So you move me

Here is how love was to me

I could look and not see

Going through the emotions

Not knowing what they mean

And it scared me so much

That I just wouldn't budge

I might have stayed there forever

If not for your touch

Oh but you move me

Out of myself and into the fire

You move me

I'm burning with love and hope and desire

How you move me

You go whistling in the dark

Making light of it

Making light of it

And I follow with my heart

Laughing all the way

Oh 'cause you move me

You get me dancing and you make me sing

You move me

Now I'm taking delight in every little thing

How you move me

You move me

You move me

You move me

Thank you Lord for placing Deaf friends in my life.



Saturday 15th May 2010

Psalm 91:11 "For He will order his angels to protect you wherever you go."

On the morning of Mother's Day, Shevon, his wife Pauline and son Mark as well as Colin and his wife Krystal were involved in a vehicular accident as they were on their way to church. In that trauma section of the San Fernando General Hospital, I saw tears of gratitude in Pauline and Krystal's eyes and a meditative, pensive, grateful expression on Shevon's face. Shevon was driving when the incident occured. He said he saw angels.. he saw angels protecting them as the car collided with another, spun and flipped over. My pores raised. My eyes were moisted. I praised God.

"He will give his angels charge over thee..."

I know that God had protected his children that day. His children, who were also 'angels' in my life. I tried my best to be of service, to offer prayer, comfort, do some interpreting but when I looked over it was Omar who was the greater servant. He had arrived at the incident upon contact and was interpreting for police officers and nurses and doctors and wheeling over hospital beds here and there. I wonder if Shevon and Pauline and Krystal and Colin realised that God had sent another 'angel' to help them?

This week I paused and I recalled the 'angels' God had sent in my life: Mama (she would be the 'queen-angel' if such a being exists lol), Joey Howell and Brooke Nicholson. Then of course there are people whose spirit are just kindred to yours: Mama again (she's queen..remember? lol) and Allison St Brice. Also, those friends who will always be friends even when there's a gap in communication like Michael Thomas. I thought about Papa and his fatherly love in Suriname, I thought about Siquina and Obie and how natural it felt to be with them in New Jersey. Then I thought about Omar who God had sent during this season in my life.. another 'angel'.

Omar receptionist, Cubbie Bear, Mr bmobile, Big Head, Bachack (cant spell dat), Black ant, Whitey, Mr "uncrampable style" has been a brother and a friend to me. I smile when I think about how I often wondered what having a brother meant then God drops another 'angel' into the equation. I feel blessed to have him with me for this period. I not only have a worthy Mastermind opponent but a valuable ADC family member who makes decision making seem so easy and the leadership responsibilities appear less overwhelming. I value our friendship and I thank God for placing him in my life!

Reader, I'm beginning to think that Agape Deaf Centre is breeding 'angels' in my life lol. ADC should really be Angel Discovery Centre.

To Krystal and Pauline

Saturday 8th May 2010

Well Reader, let's talk about my beautiful sisters Pauline and Krystal smile. I really dont know where to start when it comes to these two young women. They are my friends, my teachers, my students. I am always learning from them and sharing with them and they are very dear to my heart_ smile again.

Lord, thank you. My heart is swollen with gratitude.

I think it is always good to pause and consider. I pause now. I consider Krystal - carefree, jovial, real. It is so refreshing to be in her company and I am ALWAYS 'me' - the real me - in her company. As I write, my eyes are moist and my heart is smiling...I realise how much she has helped me to become a better me. Wow...who would I have been if God in His wisdom had not given me Precious Deaf friends? Krystal has shown me how to 'free-up' myself and be free to be who I am regardless of what others may think or say.

Her appetite for the Word and her childlike amazement as she discovers the promises of God strikes me. I have become too accustomed to God's Word that I have forgotten the joy of having God as my first love. Krystal reminds me. SMILE. Why is God so merciful to me? Look at how He loves me and speaks to me through others... thank you Father.

I consider Pauline - youthful, never complaining, full of the Word, a kingdom woman! I remember the first day she came to devotions and I was so impressed by her knowledge of the Word. What a woman! We share a common love for plants and shopping and other girly things...we even share the same age lol. I look at Pauline and I see a beautiful, responsible, mature woman - the woman I have not yet become but aspire to be. I admire her. I value her friendship and I embrace her wisdom, which I know comes from her knowledge of the Word. I feel as if God is using her to minister to me and mentor me.
Krystal and Pauline.
Well, I cannot say that I have any close female Christian friends outside my Deaf circle of friends. Some my argue about they dept of a Deaf person's understanding of the Word but I know that the relationship I have with my Deaf sisters is nothing like what I've shared with others. The sharing of His Word is real and dynamic and they are a wonderful blessing in my life.

Father, you know my needs and you know them better than I do. Look how you have supplied them! I answered the call and you have given me gifts that I dont deserve and I am so grateful.

I am proud to say that I have Deaf friends. They are gifts that God has given to me and though some may not understand the special relationship we share, I know that my heart is at home and that God is revealing himself to me through them.

Mr George Daniel

Saturday 8th May 2010

Wow lol, I havent written since February and now I'm trying to task my brains to remember all the things that would have impacted me from Feb-April 2010.

The first thing that comes to mind is Mr George Daniel's death in April. I was shaken... First impressions are lasting, they say and I think the memory of my first meeting with him will last a lifetime. I must have spoken about that day in a previous post... but I remember feeling extremely encouraged. Yes, I remember him referring to the disabled community as "my people" and I left feeling as if I were a part of something great. It was one of those moments that you know has changed your life but you're not sure how... Even now, I'm writing and smiling and thinking that I'm not expressing myself adequately...You see, something great happened that day. Here I am - young, passionate, inexperienced and there he was, looking at me and through his eyes and words, his strength was revealed. I was in the presence of greatness and he spoke to me not as a young girl who is new and green but as a person_a person with a contribution to make a change. That was the day a pillar was rooted in my life. Something happened and it was great. Mr George Daniel impacted my life a way that's hard to explain. I cant forget him.

To Shevon and Omar

Wednesday 3rd February 2010

As I write this I remember Moses and the two people who stood at his side and held his hands up as the Israelites were at war. The scripture says in Exodus 17:11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.

That being said, recently I felt like I was fighting against the Amalekites and my hands were getting weary like Moses. Then, just as Moses had Aaron and Hur to help him, I had Shevon and Omar.

Exodus 17:12
When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up -- one on one side, one on the other -- so that his hands remainded steady till sunset.

Thank you Lord for placing me in a Spiritual family and sending people in my life to encourage me...thank Lord!

Deaf Spelling Bee Competition 2010

Saturday 30th January 2010

Well, believe it or not, I served as a judge for the Deaf Spelling Bee on Saturday. Wow! Just about a year or so ago I'm not sure if I would have been able to serve in this capacity but here I was interacting and joking and laughing with the other Deaf judges there.

Of course I had a grand time!! I'm just amazed at how fast God works. It seemed like it was just a few months ago that I volunteered to assist and I never considered that I would have all these exciting and learning experiences. I never considered all these blessings and favour will come my way....but it did and I am so grateful!

Thank you Lord

To Ian - a light in the darkness

Wednesday 27th January 2010

Ian, Cubbie, Shevon, Krystal and I meet to have a devotional session. Each person was able to share about anything that was on their mind and hearts like a testimony or a prayer request. Everyone seemed to have a longing to get closer to God and a greater commitment to reading His Word, praying and being a good witness.

Somehow Ian just stood out to me on this day. His light was just shining in the darkness. He testified about the favour God has been pouring into his life and I could tell that God's face was shining upon him. Unlike the rest of us, he stated that he read his Bible and prayed regularly.

I felt as if Ian was a torch shining in my dark world. I remembered the intimacy I onced shared with God and I began to thirst for it once more. I began to miss the daily favours of the Lord and the relationship we shared. Ian reminded me of God's faithfulness and I needed to be reminded.

Thank you Lord for Ian
May you bless him and prosper him
Whatever he puts his hands to do is successful
He is above only and never below
Favour is chasing him down wherever he goes
Ian is blessed in his going and coming
In Jesus' name I pray

One beat

Saturday 23rd January 2010

Today I interpreted for a drumming class in Siparia. It was pretty interesting to see how excited the Deaf were about drumming and even more amazing to witness was how they drummed together in one beat, one sound, one rhythm in harmony!!

I cant help but think about our lives as Christians. We are different but yet belong to one body. A body that breathes and lives in harmony. That oneness reminds me of the oneness in heart, mind and spirit that the Holy Spirit brings to people of different races, nationalities, cultures etc.

Praise the Lord!

Micah 6:6-8

Wednesday 20th January 2010

Today Shevon and I meet to spend some time developing intimacy with God. It was great.

We prayed, shared some testimonies, talked about the importance of prioritising where God is concerned then discussed today's reading from a Deaf devotional we recently got.

Before I share about the reading, I must share Shevon's testimony. He told me that sometime ago, he used to give a homeless man (vagrant) food and tell him about living a better life by praying and stop his smoking habit. Actually, he would purposely bring food for him and talk to him on a regular basis. Anyway, at some point he noticed that the man was no longer there and he began to wonder if he had died amongst other things. Then one day he saw the man, well dressed and looking decent and they began to talk. The man had gotten a job and even more, he went in his pocket and gave Shevon $200!! Imagine that!!

Well my pores raised and I just praised God over and over again!! Wow!! What a mighty God we serve!!

Right, so today's reading focused on "What God wants" and the memory verse was Micah 6:6-8, which reads:

With what shall I come before the LORD
and bow done before the exalted God?
Shall I come before him with burnt offerings,
with calves a year old?
Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams,
with ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression,
the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
All in all, the lesson learnt was that often times we are too busy and preoccupied with trivial matters that we forget to consult God and find out what God wants. Shevon and I both admitted that we have been guilty of doing this and made a commitment to seek God first in the week ahead of us and in Deaf Church and ADC decisions.
Added to all of this, we knew that God had a purpose in our meeting today because the reading was in sync with what we were discussing prior to today's reading. The New Testament verse that stood out to me was Matthew 6:33 which reads:
But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well
Thank you Lord for a good day. again =)

Tuesday 19th January 2010

Today I helped Ian and Lisa with their contract of employment. *Pause and again. I had another commitment at 6pm and I promised to meet them at 4pm and I really did not realise that it was an entire four-page legal document that they wanted me to explain lol.

God is good because it was done. I was able to explain and still keep my appointment! I smile because it is just amazing how peaceful I felt and I never had the urge to complain. I just enjoyed interpreting and it felt so natural as if it was something I was created to do.

Oh how wonderful it is to help those you love!

I feel good

Monday 18th January 2010

I began 2010 feeling spiritually lethargic and I was not happy about it...

Today I feel so good (good good. I feel good, wonderful good) and I really really do!! Praise God!! Well, Azard and Neela came to my home for some help with a handout on communication particularly in preparation for marriage.

I TOTALLY enjoyed spending time with them. It was so fulfilling and satisfying especially when I could tell that they left edified. What a blessing it is to be a blessing!!

Added to all of this, I must say that I am now convinced that the more I deposit into the lives of the Deaf, the more God deposits into my life. I think that it's amazing that while I'm teaching and explaining about communication in marriages based on the information they have been given, I am also learning in the process... it's like a big bonus for doing something you love!! haha

I feel good
I feel love
I feel faith hold
I feel strong
Chatting with Jesus

THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!

2009 in Review

January to December 2009

THANK YOU LORD for the multitude of blessings in 2009.

I have dreams and when I see God fulfilling those dreams before my eyes, all I could do is just stand in awe of him. I have dreams that I never thought I will even begin to fulfill - seemingly trivial dreams and BIG dreams. The year 2009 was amazing and I feel that when I said "Yes" to God and volunteered at ADC, I also said yes to a whirlwind (I was about to say whirlpool hehe) of blessings... Of these blessings, the following two are at my front burners:

1. Travelled multiple times in a single year: Suriname, Amsterdam, Tobago, Barbados, Costa Rica, Panama, New York, New Jersey
2. Got a motorcycle ride!! whooo hoo!!

Oh yes, and I also
  • started driving after 4 or 5 years with my license!
  • got another more convenient job!
  • had my first pinata and best birthday ever!
  • had the best Christmas ever!
  • greeted the new year in a foreign country!


NJ with Siquina and Obie

Tuesday 29th - Wednesday 30th December 2009

To Siquina and Obie, a BIG THANK YOU, for your hospitality, the adventure, the laughter and the love!!! I feel so blessed to know you both!

Bess Christmas

Friday 25th December 2009

Thank you to the following persons for giving me a Christmas to remember :D

Papa Bear
Mama Bear
Mommy Bear
Cubbie Bear
Granny Bear