Plants on the way!

Wednesday 15th April 2009

Today I had a good time at ADC. This was my second visit since the planting project and I'm pleased to report that things have progressed nicely. There are now lettuces and patchoi plants in the planting boxes and sooner or later they'll be ready for sale and consumption. I'm excited that what was once a vision, is now a reality!!

I was also able to speak to the hearing students about the use of the terms "dumb" and "mute" when refering to Deaf or Hard of Hearing persons. I explained quite passionately that Deaf persons are not stupid and that they do have a voice. I told them that most times they have to explain something to me and help me understand! lol I also emphasized that they are not voiceless and pointed out that they could be heard when they are laughing!

I'm ALWAYS happy to make a difference and I know that the students' mindset was changed. It was also very refreshing to see the students sign and interact with the Deaf!

God ordained teaching

Sunday 12th April 2009

I feel as if Deaf Church was God-ordained today. Very few Deaf persons came but I know that God was at work and that the Holy Spirit was with us. Stephen, Fatima, Crystal, Roger, Sindy and I decided to pray for different needs while we waited for the others to come. This little prayer group was truly powerful. Before praying, we identified different prayer requests and then we held hands in a circle and prayed one by one. Eventually, Denyse and her son (hearing), Catherine, Shevon, Neil, his wife, Joel and Jeremy came. We prayed for Mama and her family, Siquina and Obe’s marriage, Deaf marriages, Deaf who have strayed from God’s presence, the sick, the unbelievers, safety, the government and the summit. We prayed and we prayed.

As time elapsed, we started very productive discussions on the Deaf and critical issues were raised. Shevon told us that he read on the newspapers that a Deaf man from San Fernando had stabbed a hearing person. Denyse told us about another Deaf man who committed suicide some months ago. Of course we also mentioned the Deaf man from Gasparillo who was beaten to death (see previous post entitled “Deaf Mute Beaten to Death”. We prayed for God’s protection.

Somehow the discussion smoothly flowed into the topic of Deaf marriages. Now I want to pause so you may understand the context and settings of these discussions. The initial six of us decided to pray for one another and then probably visit Faith Centre (after several invitations extended by Thaddaeus) because we assumed that no more Deaf were coming. So we did not bother to arrange the chairs for Deaf Church. We were already moved to the Training Room and we simply occupied a small space in between the tables and chairs to pray. Nothing was really planned or premeditated. YET, God in His wisdom had a plan and a purpose.

Yes, so a discussion on Deaf marriages – current marriages, a marriage carded for today and those pending – was seamlessly initiated. This seamlessly integrated discussion emerged into an entire teaching on marriages!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! The transition was so smooth, that God alone could receive glory for it! Denyse simply began by expressing her opinion about Deaf persons rushing to get married then she began some strong and sound marriage counselling possibly without even realising it! She emphasized Family Devotions and at the end of the teaching challenged the men present to begin having devotions with their families. She urged the wives to support their husbands and in cases where the man refused to have devotions, for the woman to initiate it regardless. It was a powerful and timely lesson.

I looked on and my heart was swollen with gratitude and awe of God who heard the cry and longing from the Deaf to have one such session. Denyse was really passionate about the topic and stressed that she will continue teaching about marriage. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!

A Great Good Friday!!

Friday 10th April 2009

Today I went Mayaro for the second time with my Deaf family. I got up this morning a little indecisive as to whether I should go or whether I should stay home and rest for the holiday. I actually told my mom that I wasnt going then I changed my mind.
The day was wonderful! I am even bold enough to say that it was one of the best days of my life :D

Deaf church was great. Ryan testified of God's goodness. He told of how he fasted and prayed and was able to do his driving test and get his license. I was so proud of him! I remember going with him to do his regulations and now I was looking on as he testified about how he got his license!! :D He said that two other Deaf persons were there when he went to do the test but he was the only one that passed. He also talked about one of the officers constantly checking to make sure he was okay. The favour of God was upon him!! Smile =)

Roger taught about Jesus washing his disciples feet and also about the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. After the Word, we washed each other's feet. This was a very interesting experience for me. Each person stood before the other and told them something special like "I love you, you are my brother/sister in Christ, we are family" and proceeded to wash their feet and dry it. I reminded everyone that we serve one another in Christ and I felt as if something truly remarkable and amazing was unfolding before me!

I was also able to meet some new Precious Deaf people. Ryan I knew before, but was ever so glad to spend some more time with him since I hardly see him. I meet Rovin for the first time. He was a bit quiet but I was so happy to meet him and I took special care to make him feel loved. I meet two Deaf families and another Deaf woman. They were all very friendly and pleasant. I am always intrigued by the children of the Deaf and the love and unity among Deaf spouses and their children. They seem to have a close knittedness that is often absent in a hearing family.

Today was Shiva's birthday!! Roger had him face the white board and quizzed him as everyone prepared his cake. When he turned around and saw the cake, he was shocked!! lol I remember him thanking his parents for everything they're done for him. There is a deep sense of gratitute and humility that emanates from Shiva and his parents (Bobby and Mala). In fact, I am still amazed at how innovated and creative Bobby is!! Oh! I forgot to mention their home has transformed since the last and also first time I've been there. Bobby made use of the pattern on the galvanise and some broken tile and cement to make a unique step. Mala also cooked lunch and baked muffins and cake to celebrate her son's eighteenth birthday. Oh how I love this family!

After eating, we crossed the road and spent some time on the beach. I learnt a little about fishing and even tried to fish a little. I caught no fish lol but I am confident that I was one of the happiest "gyals" on the beach! What amazing is that some time during the week while I was passing the Creek to go home, I saw some people fishing and I silently wished I had an opportunity to fish. Now here I was holding a fishing rod at the end of the same week. Does my God know the desires of my heart? He sure does.

When we left Mala's home, we visited a Deaf woman named Paula. I chuckle to myself as I think about what took place. It so happened that Roger told me that he wanted to visit a Deaf person on our way to Mayaro and he asked me to remind him on our way home. I forgot :( Roger also forgot but somehow God just nudged him and he abruptly made a turn in a side road and when we looked to the left the house was there! Wow! All the Deaf in the van went to Paula's home to visit her. She was shy. After talking to her for a few moments, I realised that we had planned to visit this same woman on Sunday after church! This was the same Deaf woman who does not have much Deaf friends and her sister called me on Saturday to arrange a meeting (see post dated 04-04-09). It's amazing how God operates because she was spending the Easter holidays with her parents in Mayaro!

After this visit Roger took us to visit two Deaf girls who are married to two hearing brothers in Rio Claro, then a Deaf man in Princes Town. I was happy to meet ALL the Deaf! I had an Easter Production to attend at 6:30pm and I could not be bothered by the time!! It was the greatest Good Friday ever!

Deaf Mute Beaten to Death

Tuesday 7th April 2009
This article was in one of our local newspapers today.
It appears that the Deaf man who we're called Fred, then Krishna is really Mr Deoraj Boysie. (See previous posts dated 09.11.08, 31.01.09, 04.04.09, 05.04.09). I read the article and was disheartened to know that he was "beaten with a concrete block outside the abandoned house he called home in Gasparillo last week...He was found unconscious bloodied and battered outside the house..."
I cant help but feel that cut at my heart as I wonder if and how things may have been different had we met him. The Deaf who went to visit him had loved him even though they never met him. We heard his story and our hearts went out to him. I am changed. Sigh..

Day 1 of Planting Project

Monday 6th April 2009

I did not go to work today (I hope no one from work is reading lol). I planned to do some outstanding things that needed to be done but I ended up going to ADC. Some students from Siparia Senior went to ADC to start a planting project which is due to be completed on next week Friday.

Again, God has given His Deaf children favour! Mama and Papa had expressed a desire to start using the land to plant produce. The Deaf had began to cut the grass but I was really unsure as to how we were to actually go about planting lol. Of course I was confident that God will make a way!! Didnt He make so many ways in times passed when I had not a clue of how I was to get something done!!! Oh yes He did! So making productive use of land is a small matter for such a big God.

I had approached my mom about helping out with the project on Sunday 22nd March 2009. Would you believe in the few days that followed she was able to get a group of students from her school to assist!! Isn't God awesome!! I remember how she always came to mind everytime the topic was raised.

What a wonderful day today was! The students came but Lisa was the only Deaf of the four who made a commitment to come, that showed up. I was prompted to go to ADC after discovering that she was there alone. I believe that God had put all these things in place! When mom and I arrived, Lisa and I were able to teach the students the alphabet in sign language and it was obvious that they were enjoying themselves. It was clear that they loved her.

I was also happy to spend some one on one time with her. When I texted her and told her not to worry and that I was coming, she replied "Ok. Fine. Smile." That last word melted my heart. I just wanted to go to make sure she was ok. The smiles on the all the students' faces were priceless! They were looking forward to coming tomorrow and they were all too excited about learning sign language.

What's more, their teacher volunteered to teach the Deaf English once she learns sign language. I was OVERJOYED!! I told Lisa that God is blessing us already since we started to use the land!! I am so excited for what these 8days will hold for these young children and for ADC. Already I could see that just one petite Deaf woman has changed their lives in a few hours...I wonder what God has in store for them tomorrow! Wish I could be there!!

Deaf Church at ADC

Sunday 5th April 2009

This was a wonderful Sunday. We had Deaf Church at ADC and it was one of the best services. The Deaf had the opportunity to go to a spot of choice and talk to God. It was really something beautiful to see them dispersed around the centre spending one on one time with God. The Word was good and the the worship was awesome. In the end, everyone was glad they came.

I am happy to report that it was also the first day that the Deaf were allowed to drive the church van!!! We praised God for it!!

Nearing the end of the service, I received a phone call. Fred whose real name is Krishna (see previous post) had died... I reported the news to the Deaf and everyone was a bit shaken. I know that this news cut at my heart. I could not help but wonder if things would have been different if we had reached him in time. I was dazed and I felt that he deserved to be loved and to belong and I thought that we may have been able to give him that opportunity. I wanted to be his friend, hear his story, look into his eyes and let him know that there is a God who loves Him! Yet I dear not question God's authority.

Despite Krishna's death, I was happy as I always am, to spend time with my Precious-es!! I have an even greater zeal to meet the Deaf woman who is friendless and lonely. My prayer is that she too, like so many Deaf, will come to know God's love, acceptance and peace! My God us as His beacon of hope and channel of love.

More Deaf to Love :D

Saturday 4th April 2009
My Saturday could not have started off any better!! Ring ring.. I answered the phone and a woman called me concerning her Deaf sister who is basically friendless and lonely. I was ever so happy to receive the call. This was an opportunity to love another Deaf person and in loving them, show them God's love - an agape love. When the conversation ended I could not help but be happy! :D Another precious person would have a place that she could belong and people that she could call family! Isn't that wonderful?!
That afternoon, I got a call from a friend of mine. She informed me that Fred (see previous post dated Sun 9th Nov 08) whose real name is .... was hospitalised. Remember Fred? He was the Deaf, homeless man from Gasparillo living in the abandoned home. He was also lonely and friendless. Well, I had already decided to talk to the Deaf leaders on the following day so we could arrange to visit him at the hospital.
I was really looking forward to finally seeing him and allowing the Deaf to witness to him and forge a lifelong friendship with him. We had attempted to meet him on two occasions (09-11-08 and 31-01-09) but were unsuccessful. I was not happy about his condition but was very hopeful and equally overjoyed about finally meeting him and loving him!

Who is like Him? The Lion and the Lamb sitted on the throne

Sunday 29th March 2009

I missed Deaf Church on this day. I reached just in time to meet the Deaf then leave to visit our deaf friend Mr George Daniel. Azard, Roger, Cindy, Leela and I went to visit him but stopped by subway to eat lunch on our way there.

Lol...I think that sometimes I get so accustomed with the Deaf that I often forget that people are genuinely amazed when they see them talking or asserting their independence. I have had a similar experience whenever I'm with someone who is physically different. I guess on first sight, their differences are very apparent but once you get to the know that person and love them, you tend to forget that they are different. It has happened to me time and time again. You see their heart and everything else fades away... melts away... disappears!

It so happened that Joel and Jeremy (children of a Deaf married couple) came to subway with their parents while we were there. I just observed them as they chatted with us. Joel and Jeremy are such sweethearts! Sometimes I wonder what it is like to have Deaf parents, what sort of experiences they must have had and are having and how the children of the Deaf view the world. It is an intriguing thing to consider. Joel and Jeremy are such contented, happy, humble and loving children and it is also clear that they support and respect their parents. What a blessing they are!

Our visit to Mr Daniel was quite productive. I am glad we went. He told us a story that definitely changed our outlook on life. It's not my story to tell but it reminded me that God is the captain of our lives and a very present help in time of trouble!! He is a faithful, loving and merciful God! Who is like Him?

Our God is an AWESOME God!!

Sunday 22nd March 2009

Deaf Church was at Agape Deaf Centre on this Sunday. It was my first Deaf church there and I loved it. The change in environment was so refreshing and ideal. It was satisfying to see the Deaf relax and be free while they sat and listened to God's Word outdoors with the blowing wind and natural atmosphere.

I spent my entire Sunday there and I would not have done it any other way if given the choice. The Deaf's company, Mama's company, the peacefulness and calm of the day was uncompared.

Mama and I discussed future plans and developments for the Deaf and everything just linked and connected with my spirit! It is AMAZING how God plants a seed of desire in your heart, then gives you sneak peaks along the way as He puts things in place for it to come to pass. I listened to Mama speak and I was just...AMAZED!!! Often times she speaks directly to my soul without realising it. It is such as remarkable thing to hear your dreams and vision articulated by someone else; it's as if an invisible bond is created and even though it's unseen, you know that something great is taking place!

I write with the STRONGEST conviction that this is where God wants me to be and purpose will continue to be fulfilled in my life! Our God is an awesome God!

And God, in His wisdom, teaches us how to depend on Him wholeheartedly

Monday 6th April 2009

Hello Reader,

I know it been a while since I've last written...(about 6 weeks to be exact)...and for that I apologise. My role in the lives of the Deaf has not been as frequent as it used to be and even my last post attests to that. Nevertheless, I have come to realise that God is taking care of the Deaf and working things out His way.

It seems as if God in His might and wonder has directed things in such a way that the Deaf have no other choice but to depend on Him alone! I'm just observing how He is shaping them and how they are learning more and more to trust in Him wholeheartedly!!

I intend to publish four more blogs to bring you up-to-date with what has been least from my assured that these few blogs are not a reflection of the great work God is doing in the Deaf's lives from day to day.