Today I had a good time at ADC. This was my second visit since the planting project and I'm pleased to report that things have progressed nicely. There are now lettuces and patchoi plants in the planting boxes and sooner or later they'll be ready for sale and consumption. I'm excited that what was once a vision, is now a reality!!
I was also able to speak to the hearing students about the use of the terms "dumb" and "mute" when refering to Deaf or Hard of Hearing persons. I explained quite passionately that Deaf persons are not stupid and that they do have a voice. I told them that most times they have to explain something to me and help me understand! lol I also emphasized that they are not voiceless and pointed out that they could be heard when they are laughing!
I'm ALWAYS happy to make a difference and I know that the students' mindset was changed. It was also very refreshing to see the students sign and interact with the Deaf!