More Deaf to Love :D

Saturday 4th April 2009
My Saturday could not have started off any better!! Ring ring.. I answered the phone and a woman called me concerning her Deaf sister who is basically friendless and lonely. I was ever so happy to receive the call. This was an opportunity to love another Deaf person and in loving them, show them God's love - an agape love. When the conversation ended I could not help but be happy! :D Another precious person would have a place that she could belong and people that she could call family! Isn't that wonderful?!
That afternoon, I got a call from a friend of mine. She informed me that Fred (see previous post dated Sun 9th Nov 08) whose real name is .... was hospitalised. Remember Fred? He was the Deaf, homeless man from Gasparillo living in the abandoned home. He was also lonely and friendless. Well, I had already decided to talk to the Deaf leaders on the following day so we could arrange to visit him at the hospital.
I was really looking forward to finally seeing him and allowing the Deaf to witness to him and forge a lifelong friendship with him. We had attempted to meet him on two occasions (09-11-08 and 31-01-09) but were unsuccessful. I was not happy about his condition but was very hopeful and equally overjoyed about finally meeting him and loving him!

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