Today I went Mayaro for the second time with my Deaf family. I got up this morning a little indecisive as to whether I should go or whether I should stay home and rest for the holiday. I actually told my mom that I wasnt going then I changed my mind.
The day was wonderful! I am even bold enough to say that it was one of the best days of my life :D
Deaf church was great. Ryan testified of God's goodness. He told of how he fasted and prayed and was able to do his driving test and get his license. I was so proud of him! I remember going with him to do his regulations and now I was looking on as he testified about how he got his license!! :D He said that two other Deaf persons were there when he went to do the test but he was the only one that passed. He also talked about one of the officers constantly checking to make sure he was okay. The favour of God was upon him!! Smile =)
Roger taught about Jesus washing his disciples feet and also about the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. After the Word, we washed each other's feet. This was a very interesting experience for me. Each person stood before the other and told them something special like "I love you, you are my brother/sister in Christ, we are family" and proceeded to wash their feet and dry it. I reminded everyone that we serve one another in Christ and I felt as if something truly remarkable and amazing was unfolding before me!
I was also able to meet some new Precious Deaf people. Ryan I knew before, but was ever so glad to spend some more time with him since I hardly see him. I meet Rovin for the first time. He was a bit quiet but I was so happy to meet him and I took special care to make him feel loved. I meet two Deaf families and another Deaf woman. They were all very friendly and pleasant. I am always intrigued by the children of the Deaf and the love and unity among Deaf spouses and their children. They seem to have a close knittedness that is often absent in a hearing family.
Today was Shiva's birthday!! Roger had him face the white board and quizzed him as everyone prepared his cake. When he turned around and saw the cake, he was shocked!! lol I remember him thanking his parents for everything they're done for him. There is a deep sense of gratitute and humility that emanates from Shiva and his parents (Bobby and Mala). In fact, I am still amazed at how innovated and creative Bobby is!! Oh! I forgot to mention their home has transformed since the last and also first time I've been there. Bobby made use of the pattern on the galvanise and some broken tile and cement to make a unique step. Mala also cooked lunch and baked muffins and cake to celebrate her son's eighteenth birthday. Oh how I love this family!
After eating, we crossed the road and spent some time on the beach. I learnt a little about fishing and even tried to fish a little. I caught no fish lol but I am confident that I was one of the happiest "gyals" on the beach! What amazing is that some time during the week while I was passing the Creek to go home, I saw some people fishing and I silently wished I had an opportunity to fish. Now here I was holding a fishing rod at the end of the same week. Does my God know the desires of my heart? He sure does.
When we left Mala's home, we visited a Deaf woman named Paula. I chuckle to myself as I think about what took place. It so happened that Roger told me that he wanted to visit a Deaf person on our way to Mayaro and he asked me to remind him on our way home. I forgot :( Roger also forgot but somehow God just nudged him and he abruptly made a turn in a side road and when we looked to the left the house was there! Wow! All the Deaf in the van went to Paula's home to visit her. She was shy. After talking to her for a few moments, I realised that we had planned to visit this same woman on Sunday after church! This was the same Deaf woman who does not have much Deaf friends and her sister called me on Saturday to arrange a meeting (see post dated 04-04-09). It's amazing how God operates because she was spending the Easter holidays with her parents in Mayaro!
After this visit Roger took us to visit two Deaf girls who are married to two hearing brothers in Rio Claro, then a Deaf man in Princes Town. I was happy to meet ALL the Deaf! I had an Easter Production to attend at 6:30pm and I could not be bothered by the time!! It was the greatest Good Friday ever!
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