God ordained teaching

Sunday 12th April 2009

I feel as if Deaf Church was God-ordained today. Very few Deaf persons came but I know that God was at work and that the Holy Spirit was with us. Stephen, Fatima, Crystal, Roger, Sindy and I decided to pray for different needs while we waited for the others to come. This little prayer group was truly powerful. Before praying, we identified different prayer requests and then we held hands in a circle and prayed one by one. Eventually, Denyse and her son (hearing), Catherine, Shevon, Neil, his wife, Joel and Jeremy came. We prayed for Mama and her family, Siquina and Obe’s marriage, Deaf marriages, Deaf who have strayed from God’s presence, the sick, the unbelievers, safety, the government and the summit. We prayed and we prayed.

As time elapsed, we started very productive discussions on the Deaf and critical issues were raised. Shevon told us that he read on the newspapers that a Deaf man from San Fernando had stabbed a hearing person. Denyse told us about another Deaf man who committed suicide some months ago. Of course we also mentioned the Deaf man from Gasparillo who was beaten to death (see previous post entitled “Deaf Mute Beaten to Death”. We prayed for God’s protection.

Somehow the discussion smoothly flowed into the topic of Deaf marriages. Now I want to pause so you may understand the context and settings of these discussions. The initial six of us decided to pray for one another and then probably visit Faith Centre (after several invitations extended by Thaddaeus) because we assumed that no more Deaf were coming. So we did not bother to arrange the chairs for Deaf Church. We were already moved to the Training Room and we simply occupied a small space in between the tables and chairs to pray. Nothing was really planned or premeditated. YET, God in His wisdom had a plan and a purpose.

Yes, so a discussion on Deaf marriages – current marriages, a marriage carded for today and those pending – was seamlessly initiated. This seamlessly integrated discussion emerged into an entire teaching on marriages!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! The transition was so smooth, that God alone could receive glory for it! Denyse simply began by expressing her opinion about Deaf persons rushing to get married then she began some strong and sound marriage counselling possibly without even realising it! She emphasized Family Devotions and at the end of the teaching challenged the men present to begin having devotions with their families. She urged the wives to support their husbands and in cases where the man refused to have devotions, for the woman to initiate it regardless. It was a powerful and timely lesson.

I looked on and my heart was swollen with gratitude and awe of God who heard the cry and longing from the Deaf to have one such session. Denyse was really passionate about the topic and stressed that she will continue teaching about marriage. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!

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