NCPD Tea at Sea

Saturday 25th October 2008

This afternoon I went to NCPD - National Centre for Persons with Disabilities with Kerri for the first time. The Centre was hosting a "Tea by the Sea" event. I went with no expectations (well...I was hoping to win a door prize) and I enjoyed myself. Actually, it was my first taste of Christmas :)

Apart from the entertainment, I was amazed to see so many persons with disabilities and somehow my heart warmed to see that they were able to come together in a safe environment to enjoy themselves. I looked on and felt priviledged to be among the company of so many special and precious people. It was a different experience. One that is not easily forgotten. How could one not feel humbled and grateful?

"For he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust
As for man, his days are like grass,
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more"

Psalm 103:14-16

Aren't we all formed from dust? Isn't our days upon the earth short? So why waste time segregating ourselves from people who are different? Why waste time highlighting our differences whether in terms of race, class, education or abilities? Makes no sense! Didn't God made us all from the dust of the earth? He knows our frame. It's time we too know our frame. It's time we recognise that we are all dust.

Happy Birthday to you!

Thursday 23rd October 2008

Well there seems to be lots of birthdays in the air! Ian's birthday was October 18th and Shevon's birthday was October 21st and before I came to church that day I celebrated my Aunt's birthday.

Just as I forgot my own birthday on October 20th, I also forgot Ian's and Shevon's birthday. So I made arrangements for us to buy some cupcakes at the canteen and a drink for Shevon that day. Ian was not in church. We then sang Happy Birthday to Shevon.

That afternoon as my mom drove home, I signed along to the gospel music playing in the car. I realised that sign language has become so integrated in my life that sometimes I sign while talking to hearing people and I find myself worshipping also in the language lol.

This journey has enriched my life so much.

How I spent my 6th Birthday :-)

Monday 2oth October 2008

Wow! lol It's only now that I realised the significance of this date. As I wrote it I began to repeat it to myself as an attempt to try and figure out whether this was someone's Well, the 20th October is a special day for me! As a matter of fact, its my spiritual birthday! It was on a Sunday somebody touched me! Whoo! Yes - Sunday 20th October 2002 I was saved!! So on this day I was six years old! Happy Belated Birthday Alana!

Well, this was the Monday that I was supposed to return at Licensing Office with six Deaf persons to do their regulations. On the previous Tuesday (14-10-08) I was advised to return during the morning in order for them to do their regulations. So here we were at 8 am.

They wrote the exam and only two people passed. I was shocked. I was speechless. Even more, they had to pay $100 to rewrite the test. My heart sunk. I felt as if I just failed... I cant really describe the feeling. I just thought about the stress of writing an exam that is geared towards hearing people and the extra effort to prepare them to write the exam and explain a language which is, linguistically speaking, a second language to them. I thought about that and then I thought about the news of failure that followed. Sigh... I felt it as if it were me who failed.

Nevertheless, they were all understanding with the exception of one. Yet God is good. I explained some of their mistakes and encouraged them and let them know that everybody makes mistakes and that's fine. We got new dates for their tests and left the Licensing Office about 2pm that day.

So that's how the birthday girl spent her day! I still give thanks to God for the two who passed and I thank Him also for those who did not. God is in control and I dont question his authority.

God stretches you to move you forward

Sunday 19th October 2008

This is the one thing that stood out to me during the preaching in Church on this Sunday:


I remember the preacher illustrating this by having a man stand a distance at the side of him. The preacher held a glass of water and told the man to stay where he was in order to get the water. The man naturally had to stretch towards the preacher to receive the glass of water. This shows that sometimes God does not put things within our reach to purposely stretch us.

This really ministered to me. I remembered the line from Shekina Glory's Yes (another Soundtrack of this blog) "there is more that I require of you". I said "yes" to God in my heart and this sermon really encouraged me when I began to feel overwhelmed and discouraged.

After church that day Rayon came over for lunch. I was happy to have him and I was also able to meet his mother when we dropped him home. I think that opportunities to interact with the families and caretakers of the Deaf are priceless because it gives you so much insight into the personal situation of each individual. That way, it is easier to pray and serve and address their needs.

All in all, it was another blessed day!

I Count my Blessings

Thursday 16th October 2008
I went to church briefly on this day. I spent about an hour there and went home.

I was not feeling well but I knew I had to be faithful so I still went. I don't have a big testimony about this day but I am grateful that I was able to get up and go. I am grateful that God took me to church safely. I am grateful that I he took me back home safely. Yes. I am thankful that He protected me and allowed me to do all that I was able to do on that day.

God keeps us all

Tuesday 14th October 2008

I took five Deaf persons to the Licensing Office to do their regulations test then get their learners. We got there after lunch as I had done with the previous group, and waited for about two (2) hours before we were told that afternoons are a bit of an inconvenience to do regulations since they're normally done during the morning period. So I arranged to go again on the following Monday.

No fuss. No stress. I was happy that they all took it well. There was a bit of disappointment but their overall reaction was calm and collective. Praise God. I always try to be mindful not to transmit a nervous, angry, impatient demeanour because I know that this could be easily transferred. I try to maintain a peace and contentment so that they too could remain calm even in trying situations. I thank God that He was gracious with us and that he continues to hold us and keep us.

That afternoon we meet Ian. He had returned from the missionary trip to Belize the previous day and he eagerly told us about his experience. If you want to know more about the Deaf in Belize I have added a link to Nancy's blog on my blog. Nancy is the woman who facilitated Ian while he was in Belize. I know this 10 day trip was a blessing to Nancy and the Deaf in Belize as well as Ian! Hasn't God also kept them? He sure did and continues to.

Well we also tried to figure out the signs for a song we were to minister with over the following weeks - Lord you're Holy by Helen Baylor. I'm not sure how productive that was lol. Yet it's amazing how they never worry nor do I and even when one worries the other encourages. God keeps doubt about that!

"Where Alana?!"

Sunday 12th October 2008

I did not attend church on this Sunday. This was the first time that I had missed Deaf Church and the Deaf were very concerned. This is one of the text messages I received:

Hi wher u we here in church 2day & want 2 c u
10:44am 12-Oct-08

Kerri also tried to contact me and when I returned his call he said that they were looking for me and were all gesturing as if to say "Where Alana?!". lol That little incident made me feel loved :) Before, if I missed church there was no one who would call to check up on me so to speak. Yet now, I have a whole team checking up on me! lol It makes me smile when I think about it...I'm smiling now. How Precious. It's good to know that I'm missed :)

God renews my strength

Friday 10th October 2008

The working committee for the Spelling Bee Competition had a meeting today. I felt exhausted and tired and I'm not sure how much information I retained during the meeting! lol...
Well, I just checked for the Minutes to review it and refresh my memory but apparently I did no Minutes for that day! lol I had to be really tired! But I thank God that He renews my strength someway somehow! I dont know how He does it but He does!
Coming to think about it since 24th August 08 I've been with the Deaf and I have no idea where the time went! Yet my strength has been renewed day by day and I know that this is just one of the benefits of having God as your boss and serving Him. No regrets!

Hearing Tests and Hearing Aids

Thursday 9th October 2008

Today I took about eight Deaf persons to test their hearing and get/repair hearing aids at Dretchi, Port-of-Spain. This was yet another learning experience for me.

Well we had an appointment for 8 am and we planned to leave church at 5 am or was it 5:30?? I cant remember but Mr Cleavon and I were there and we waited for everyone. Guess what time we left? lol....6:30am lol. Actually everyone was there except one. When she arrived I had to let them know that next time we will leave if they're not on time. God's Word says "Let all things be done decently and in order" (1 Corin 14:40). A precedence must be set so that an attitude of disregard and indifference would not persist.

Again, I must say thank God for Mr Cleavon and his patience, time and sacrifice. This day in particular I know that he really stretched himself to accomodate us. Even though he had some paper work to complete at work he chose to transport us and he did it with such a contentment and ease in spirit. He NEVER complained or fussed even when we were taking longer than expected. In fact he suggested that we stayed and get everything done even though it encrouched on his time. What more could we ask for? What a blessing he continues to be! Truly God has sent him for such a time as this.

Well the actual testing was the most intriguing thing for me. I asked to witnesses the process and the doctor very clearly and willingly explained it to me. First, she did some check-ups with some manual instruments. Then she asked the patient to enter an enclosed, sound proof unit. In here, the patient wore a pair of earphones while the doctor adjusted the volume outside the unit. The patient indicated by lifting their hand, whether they heard the sound or not.

The doctor explained that if a hearing person heard the sounds it would be unbearable. She took me into the unit and adjusted the volume while I held the earphones in my hands. It sounded like a frequency signal and it was penetratingly loud. The amazing thing is that the volume was not at its highest! I thought that this was so intriguing!

Another memorable event in this day was Rassul's reaction when he got his hearing aid. This was the first time he owned a hearing aid and he seemed like an infant who was discovering the world for the first time. His eyes lit up and he just smiled as he absorbed this new world of sound around him. For the others who had owned hearing aids before this seemed to be annoying! lol It was interesting to see them test each other's hearing aids by clapping.

I remember asking Shiva if he was hearing and he looked at me and signed "I deaf"! lol So Precious!

Deaf and Blind

Wednesday 8th October 2008

"If I, deaf, blind, find life rich and interesting, how much more can you gain by the use of your five senses!" - Helen Keller, 1928

What a day! Well Shevon and I had an appointment with Mr Ashford Joseph and his team. Mr Joseph was my music teacher and I do credit most of my musical and holistic development to him and his school - Joseph's School of the Arts (I think the name has changed now). He is a blind man yet very active, ambitious and productive. I exposed to PAVI - People Associated with the Visually Impaired through him. I supposed all these experiences were preparing me for where I am today.

Well, Mr Joseph and his team were working on a filming production in association with National Disabilities week and the Ministry of Social Development. I don't think that I mentioned that the Spelling Bee Competition is also part of this national call for disability awareness. Anyway, when he contacted Agape to assist in this production, I was amazed at how I've come full circle!

Added to this, one of my friends from school - Crystal Sylvester - was also involved in this project with Mr Joseph. I could not help but laugh because Crystal and I have lead a similar academic and even leadership journey and it was amazing that life would take us to this moment where we were serving the Deaf and Blind together lol. Wow! lol
Anyway, Shevon and I as well as Crystal acted out two scenes. One demonstrating the incorrect way to deal with a Deaf person and the other one demonstrating the correct way this should be done. It was a good experience although I am not particularly fond of the video camera.

Mr Joseph treated us to lunch after this. It was such a different experience to sit alongside four hearing people, one deaf man and another blind man. Shevon (deaf) could have been non-existant to Mr Joseph (blind) if no one was there to describe his expressions and interpret his signs. It was easier for Shevon to look at Mr Joseph and read his facial expressions together with me interpreting what Mr Joseph was saying. Mr Joseph told me that he always wanted to learn sign language! I thought that was cool when I first heard it but now on further thought he would not be able to see the Deaf person's signs. Wow! He will still need an interpreter.

When you stop and take time to consider the daily challenges and the creative ways that they are overcome you begin to realise that hearing, seeing, and 'abled' people take so much for granted! As I said before, sometimes if we pause we would see that our 'ableness' has also made us 'disabled' to the natural beauty, simplicity and purity of life.

It is said that when one sense is non-existent the others are amplified. My view is that God has placed these Precious people in our lives so our sometimes dull senses may be intensified. My senses have definitely been quickened!


Monday 6th October 2008

Monday morning bright and early...well, not so early lol, Shevon and I met Kerri at church to work on the DVD for the Spelling Bee Competition. I had tried to help Kerri to match the words and signs prior to this but my help was limited.
What is there to say about this day?
I for sure was tired and irritable but I tried to keep it together...I really did try. It was one of those days that you just had to endure because the job needed to be done. I can't talk for Kerri and Shevon but I just could not wait for us to finish! I suspect that they had enough as well lol.

At the end of the day, we endured despite our feelings at the time. I guess that is the lesson. Learning to endure despite your emotions and state of mind.

I think we worked the following day as well (Tues 7 Oct '08).

Children of the Deaf

Sunday 5th October 2005

Today I spent some time with Krystal and Colin's two year old daughter. I had a very interesting experience with her. Even though her both parents are Deaf, she could hear. However, she is very quiet in disposition. I remember the first time I spoke to her. She looked at she stared at me for some time and seemed a bit confused that I could speak. She never spoke to me though. I cant remember her ever speaking when I think about it. I observed how Krystal communicates with her. Krystal is hearing impaired so she is able to articulate some of her words. She actually talks to her daughter and she understands because she obeys when she is corrected verbally.

Well, my interest peaked and I was concerned about her language development. So after trying in vain to get a response from her through conversation, I tried something else. My phone seemed to gasp her attention so I began to play the ring tones for her and danced along. Wow! What a difference that made! She loved it! Yet she still would not speak.

Kyesha is another hearing little girl about three years old with Deaf parents. I met her at Christopher's birthday lime. Her response to me was similar to Krystal and Colin's daughter. When she heard me speaking I realised that she began to stare at me as well. I then spoke to her but she only blushed shyly. She would not speak to me at all. Her mom, like Krystal, is also able to articulate some of her words. I suspect that she is also hearing impaired. Yet she signs and speaks to her daughter and Kyesha responds by signing. It was really intriguing to look at her sign. It is so amazing to know that even though Kyesha had stared and smiled at me for the entire afternoon, she refused to speak to me.

I cant help but wonder if the Deaf world is a more secure environment for such children and even though they seem to be somewhat taken back that a hearing person is within their predominantly Deaf environment, they are ever so shy to speak. Well, of course, these are only two isolated experiences and I have only met them for a few hours so it is difficult to deduce anything.

I also remember meeting Crystal's daughter some Sundays later (Sun 26 Oct '08). Crystal seems to be hearing impaired as well because she was articulating some of her words when she talked to her daughter. Well when I attempted to talk to her daughter she shyly looked at me and smiled. I'm not sure if this is just the average way a child responses to a stranger or just that it seems strange to talk to a hearing person especially in a Deaf environment or a mixture of these two factors. Maybe I just scare the poor children!! lol

Anyway, I must include Neil and his wife's two sons. They are about twelve and ten years old. They are VERY talkative, energetic and friendly children. I must stress that they are very talkative. The younger brother more so than the older one. They know sign language and communicate naturally with the Deaf. It was particularly impressive to see them code switch between each other and the Deaf.

I wonder what their world must be like... hmmm for me I appreciate the silent company. I embrace the presence of so many of my Precious-es and I'm able to enjoy the silence which is only interrupted or maybe even complimented by occassional laughter and minimal responses. There is also an intrigue and consequent beauty in hearing these small outbursts in isolation. What's even more intriguing is the communication within the silence.

The more we know, the more we realise how much we don't know!

Saturday 4th October 2008

On this Saturday I went to Christopher's home to celebrate his birthday. This was a life changing event for me. I was ABSOLUTELY amazed to see so many Deaf people apart from the ones I knew before. I remember just sitting and looking on in absolute amazement...I was shaken. It was not just the actual number of Deaf there, but that there were actually that number of Deaf people who needed to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they were within my reach.

I sat and the unlearning process was taking place. An entire world of the Deaf had existed and for about 21 years I lived without the knowledge of it. I was shaken. The more we know, the more we realise how much we don't know. I always think of education as a humbling process. The acquisition of knowledge highlights our ignorance and if we choose, this could humble us. I am humbled to know that I have been so clueless and that I have been greedily chasing after knowledge in formal institutions when real, true, life lessons have been around me all along... I feel as if God has hidden these things from me and is now exposing it. When I think about the omniscience of God, I am reminded that my little plans are nothing in comparison to what He has planned for me.

Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Well, as I observed the Deaf that day I knew that much work needs to done in order to win these souls for Christ and for these Precious lives to be transformed and their minds renewed. I just wanted everyone to be saved and experience God's love and acceptance. I wanted them to know that there is a God who loves them and is deeply concerned about them! Sigh...God is good. For we know that it is 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty (Zachariah 4:6).

I am changed

Thursday 2nd October 2008

Another funfilled afternoon with the Precious Deaf. I remember this day. It was the day before Ian left to go to Belize for a 10 day Missionary trip. He was so excited to go! I remember when he testified in Deaf Church the Sunday before he left and he said that his unsaved father who has never travelled to a foreign country, was amazed and confused that his Deaf son was travelling and visiting places like Costa Rica and now Belize. Ian simply told him that it is God. lol It sure is! lol

Well the Deaf prayed with Ian and Pastor Mark also prayed. I had to interpret his prayer and I think it was the first time I interpreted a prayer. lol If I remember correctly, lol Pastor Mark prayed particularly slow lol and I spelt many words! lol. Oh boy lol but it was done. Praise God.

That afternoon I felt so deprived of the time I usually spent with my Precious-es :(. I had spent most of my time on the telephone making arrangement for the Spelling Bee Competition and I had missed all the fun they were having with Ian before he left. I went home feeling strange... It was only then that I realised how much they do make my day brighter and how much I've grown close to them.

I could safely say that my life has NEVER been the same since I met these Precious people God created. I am a new person. My life has become much more meaningful and purpose driven. I have a constant contentment even in the difficult times. My perspective has changed subtly yet significantly (if that even makes sense). You see, I was changing and I did not even realise. I was relearning and unlearning. As a matter of fact I still am. I am learning to love, to laugh, to live! Yes, to live and to truly live and chase after the intangible, priceless things. I am learning what is important and I am remembering that its the simple things in life that make a real difference.

My experience with the Deaf is like a silent deliverance from a temporary amnesia and a consequent revival of the joy and peace that comes when the complexities of this world are stripped away. I am finding my heart again and my eyes are refreshed. Oh, could we be the disabled ones? Blind and deaf and handicapped to the beauties of this world?

Today (Thurs 20th Nov 08) My plants seem to grin at me and their flowers are blushing as they bloom. I am beginning to discover the secret their buds secure tightly!

Two Poems

Tuesday 30th September - Wednesday 1st October 2008

My hands have a voice
And if you look closely you could hear it
They say
"I am someone
I too am human
Teach me, I could do it"
My hands tell a story
Of a life that is sound free
Of facial voices and body language
Of visual messages
I read daily
I read and I read well
The punctuations of life that most dispel
I see the comma and the exclamation
I see the FULL CAPS
- bold and underscored -
in your explanation

I hear your heart beat
Drumming its voice in your expression
But you are deaf to my heart's composition
No comprehension
Of what I'm saying
But if you look closely
My hands are talking...

Alana Z Hosein
3:20 am

I am Deaf?
But I could hear
All the messages you send me
Loud and clear
I hear exactly
What your eyes are telling me
Your face is loud in its expression
It is never a silent articulation
I hear you
Do you hear me?

Alana Z Hosein
Check out these websites for Deaf Poetry
3. Silent Hands; My Hands; A Deaf Child's Prayer; What is it like to be Deaf -
4. Love Poem; A Deaf A-Z way of welcoming y2k; Hey Wave; Learning from the Master; Deaf Culture 101; Brother Harold; Poem in Sign Language; My Deafness; No sound I hear...; Lend me a pup -
5. Heaven's Very Special Child -
8. Prayer of a Deaf Child -

Fitly Framed

Monday 29th September 2008

Ephesians 4:16: "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."

On this day we had another video recording session with Kerri for the Spelling Bee DVD. Ian and Shevon included a few more words in order to lengthen the Word List. I have spoken about the blessing of Mr Cleavon but Kerri has been another blessing and God spent person.

When I really consider it, Kerri has never refused to offer his help or services and even though the production of the DVD has been challenging to say the very least, he has endured. I know that many times it was difficult and demanding BUT he still endured. He never complained just grinned away all the stressful issues and situations that came up. I'm not sure if another person would have been so patient with me and Agape lol. So I thank God for him. I thank God for the little seemingly insignificant favours as well as the production of the DVD itself. The completion of the DVD is one of the major things that propelled the Spelling Bee Project forward. Had he stopped and decided that he would discontinue....hmmm I'm not sure what would have happened lol!

This goes to show that each person has their place in the body of Christ. God has a plan long before we begin to think about how things will fit together and fall in place. He thought of all the people He would position for His purpose. He knows what we need and why it will be done in a particular way and where it will take place and who we would need and when it will be done and how it will be done. Yup! As I like to say, He is the master of the Wh questions and the one H: What? Why? Where? Who? When? How?

Imagine this: He made all arrangements for the proper functioning of Agape before Aunty Olga left. Sometimes I just reflect on how He has orchestrated things and I am just amazed! He is like an Event Planner making sure everything is prepared for His purpose! lol I LOVE HIM SO!

Shaped for Serving God

Sunday 28th September 2008

During Deaf Church today, Roger instructed us to form groups and dramatise selected scripture verses. I'm not sure when or how it happened lol but I was given the role of translating the scripture to the Deaf in my group. With what I thought was my limited knowledge of sign language, I took on the task.

Someway, somehow, I was able to clarify the Word of God to the members of my group!!! I ENJOYED IT THOROUGHLY! I was happy to be a part of this and play an active role in the session.

Shelah :-) lol I just paused and smiled then laughed to myself.

It is as if God is revealing something to me as I write these posts today (Tues 18th Nov 08). He has wired and shaped me to do this! lol lol I laugh again. He has shaped me to serve Him. I am beginning to realise that God has been preparing me to do this even when I did not know Him personally! haha...I'm laughing because I am in awe of His wondrous works in my life!

So why despair Alana? Haven't I qualified the called?

Aunty Olga and Uncle Elred also gave me a wallet card on this day. These are the words:

A Special Purpose

Always Remember that the Lord created you for a special purpose. He gave you gifts and talents that no one else has, so that you can serve Him in a unique way. You are special. There's no one in the world quite like you.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11

Surely the Lord has spoken to me on this 18th day of November 2008!

The Joy of Serving God

This morning (Tues 18th Nov 08) I was reading Purpose #4: You were shaped for serving God from Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. I think that it's amazing that I should publish this post today! lol

Saturday 27th September
On this afternoon Aunty Olga and Uncle Elred visited me!! They had returned to Trinidad for a short stay. Nevertheless I was really overjoyed to see them :D

I told them about what has been happening and they were such a great encouragement to me! When they had left I was sooooo happy and joyous...its a bit hard to explain really. Just knowing that you're in God's will and that you are making a difference and serving others is truly a joy. That day I felt as if I was a part of a great plan that God was unfolding. I knew that this is what I was shaped to do!

I cant help but think about a line from one of the Soundtracks (as I like to call it) of this journey - "For it's only in Your will that I am free!"

Humanity in itself levels us

Friday 26th September 2008

This was Dane's birthday. The funny thing is that I remembered that it was his birthday but when I thought I stored his contact number in my cell, I realised that it had not been stored. I was not happy about this because I felt that I had not been giving him enough attention. :( I am not at all proud to type that. Nevertheless, I had anticipated texting him on this day to let him know that I remembered his birthday and that he is special.

So, in light of all this, I decided to text another Deaf person for his number. I was shocked at the response I got. In a nutshell, this other Deaf boy told me that he does not have Dane's number because they were not friends. I may have been too naive because I had assumed that Deaf culture was different and I had preconceived notions that all Deaf persons are friends lol.

Then and there it hit me! Deaf people are human. Of course I knew that before...I never thought that they were any other species lol. However, their humaness stood out to me that day. Deafness does not exempt anyone from bitter emotions, anger, resentment, selfishness, pride and their bosom buddies. I had not realised that I had idealised their world until this experience.
It became clear that each human heart is distinct yet severely similar. Though our hearts may beat for different people, in different times and places, each beat says the same thing and exposes several universal concerns. Some of those concerns are the need to be loved and to belong. Yet we are also susceptible to common enemies of greed, fear, lust and the like.

Why then do we think that we are better than others? Humanity in itself levels us!! The experiences of life and the reality of death levels us! lol Oh, what a wonderful world...may we stop to see its wonder.

"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves" Philippians 2:3
Jesus showed us how to live this selfless life. If Jesus could wash another man's feet, who am I to consider myself better than anyone else. Whether deaf or hearing, blind or seeing, sick or healthy, rich or poor, lame or walking, our worth comes from God who gave us ALL a purpose.

" of the best scripts"

Thursday 25th September 2008

Today would have been the first time I took a group to the Licensing Office to do their Regulations Test. I took a group of five inclusive of one girl.

That day I was particularly concerned about one boy named Allan. I was uncertain as to how prepared he was for the exam because he was the only one doing "last minute" studies. As a matter of fact he was the only one with the most troubled and anxious expression. We all told him that God will take care of him and that everything will be okay.

Well, we prayed and they wrote the exam. Some of them seemed so nervous and I could tell that it was a nerve wrecking experience for them. Allan was the last person to complete the paper. While they were waiting for the papers to be corrected, they all looked so anxious and concerned.

When the officer finished correcting all the papers he made a flying hand gesture by flapping his hands up and down at the side of his body. What this meant did not immediately register in my mind but moments later I realised that he was saying that they all passed with FLYING Colours!!!

I was SO happy! I told the officer that I was worried about Allan's performance and to this he replied "He had one of the best scripts" lol The joy on Allan's face when I told him that was invaluable.

After this, we went to the mall and celebrated at Subway. It was a successful day! :) I thank God that everyone passed the first time I took them to do their test!!

Republic Day @ Agape Deaf Centre

Wednesday 24th September 2008

Today we spent the day at ADC. It was a productive, fun filled day with its full share of drama! Well Mr Cleavon took some of us there and some others drove.

Wow, Mr Cleavon made so many trips that day. Let me count. Well, he transported some of us to ADC - that's one. Soon after, he went to Siparia to pick up Sean. Remember Sean? Yes, he is the boy that could hear! lol Anyway, that will be two. When we returned, Ian sent us to the grocery to get some items - that's three. When I brought the grocery items, he wanted something exchanged so Mr Cleavon took me to the grocery to do that - yup that's four. Please keep in mind that we did not rest since we came lol. When we returned, Roger told us that he was trying to stop us the last time we left to buy some gas for him. So you've guessed it lol. We went for our fifth and final trip. On this trip we bought gas and doubles and aloo pies and things to drink.

There were many dramatic and interesting stories to relate from this day but the most intriguing story to me is about Sean. Yes, Sean. In between my trips to and fro with Mr Cleavon (and thank God once again for him! I dont know who else will be so willing to do all these things for us! Two words - God sent)....yes in between these trips I saw Sean grating carrots in the kitchen. What's wrong with that? NOTHING. In fact, EVERYTHING is right about it! lol. Here is Sean with hands that are different and he is grating carrots in the kitchen lol! He is doing what he could do and he is not making anything an excuse for not getting things done! I remember what he told me once - he said that one day he will be driving his father's van lol. I love his attitude! I forgot to tell you that he loves to takes pictures! Here is a pic of him taking out pictures on this day:

What is particularly interesting about Sean is that the Sunday when I first met him was the first time he EVER came to any church before. He had never been to a church service in his life! Imagine that! He did not know any of the Deaf there and I was convinced that he was a regular attender! He seemed to fit right in! The next time we met he came to the Dretchi meeting and he did not know any of the Deaf! lol As a matter of fact, he did not even know what the meeting was about! He was just coming along because... lol.
Well as the day progressed I noticed that Sean was wearing an oversized, orange pair of headphones! It was just ridiculus! I asked him why he was wearing it and he told me that he was deaf. I was shocked and amazed and stunned at the same time! I wondered why a hearing young man will refer to himself as Deaf. Then I understood. He wanted to belong! He wanted to be part of this group, this family. I think about it and I remain