Wow! lol It's only now that I realised the significance of this date. As I wrote it I began to repeat it to myself as an attempt to try and figure out whether this was someone's Well, the 20th October is a special day for me! As a matter of fact, its my spiritual birthday! It was on a Sunday somebody touched me! Whoo! Yes - Sunday 20th October 2002 I was saved!! So on this day I was six years old! Happy Belated Birthday Alana!
Well, this was the Monday that I was supposed to return at Licensing Office with six Deaf persons to do their regulations. On the previous Tuesday (14-10-08) I was advised to return during the morning in order for them to do their regulations. So here we were at 8 am.
They wrote the exam and only two people passed. I was shocked. I was speechless. Even more, they had to pay $100 to rewrite the test. My heart sunk. I felt as if I just failed... I cant really describe the feeling. I just thought about the stress of writing an exam that is geared towards hearing people and the extra effort to prepare them to write the exam and explain a language which is, linguistically speaking, a second language to them. I thought about that and then I thought about the news of failure that followed. Sigh... I felt it as if it were me who failed.
Nevertheless, they were all understanding with the exception of one. Yet God is good. I explained some of their mistakes and encouraged them and let them know that everybody makes mistakes and that's fine. We got new dates for their tests and left the Licensing Office about 2pm that day.
So that's how the birthday girl spent her day! I still give thanks to God for the two who passed and I thank Him also for those who did not. God is in control and I dont question his authority.
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