Today we spent the day at ADC. It was a productive, fun filled day with its full share of drama! Well Mr Cleavon took some of us there and some others drove.
Wow, Mr Cleavon made so many trips that day. Let me count. Well, he transported some of us to ADC - that's one. Soon after, he went to Siparia to pick up Sean. Remember Sean? Yes, he is the boy that could hear! lol Anyway, that will be two. When we returned, Ian sent us to the grocery to get some items - that's three. When I brought the grocery items, he wanted something exchanged so Mr Cleavon took me to the grocery to do that - yup that's four. Please keep in mind that we did not rest since we came lol. When we returned, Roger told us that he was trying to stop us the last time we left to buy some gas for him. So you've guessed it lol. We went for our fifth and final trip. On this trip we bought gas and doubles and aloo pies and things to drink.
There were many dramatic and interesting stories to relate from this day but the most intriguing story to me is about Sean. Yes, Sean. In between my trips to and fro with Mr Cleavon (and thank God once again for him! I dont know who else will be so willing to do all these things for us! Two words - God sent)....yes in between these trips I saw Sean grating carrots in the kitchen. What's wrong with that? NOTHING. In fact, EVERYTHING is right about it! lol. Here is Sean with hands that are different and he is grating carrots in the kitchen lol! He is doing what he could do and he is not making anything an excuse for not getting things done! I remember what he told me once - he said that one day he will be driving his father's van lol. I love his attitude! I forgot to tell you that he loves to takes pictures! Here is a pic of him taking out pictures on this day:
What is particularly interesting about Sean is that the Sunday when I first met him was the first time he EVER came to any church before. He had never been to a church service in his life! Imagine that! He did not know any of the Deaf there and I was convinced that he was a regular attender! He seemed to fit right in! The next time we met he came to the Dretchi meeting and he did not know any of the Deaf! lol As a matter of fact, he did not even know what the meeting was about! He was just coming along because... lol.
Well as the day progressed I noticed that Sean was wearing an oversized, orange pair of headphones! It was just ridiculus! I asked him why he was wearing it and he told me that he was deaf. I was shocked and amazed and stunned at the same time! I wondered why a hearing young man will refer to himself as Deaf. Then I understood. He wanted to belong! He wanted to be part of this group, this family. I think about it and I remain speechless...wowEVERYBODY WANTS TO BELONG.
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