Humanity in itself levels us

Friday 26th September 2008

This was Dane's birthday. The funny thing is that I remembered that it was his birthday but when I thought I stored his contact number in my cell, I realised that it had not been stored. I was not happy about this because I felt that I had not been giving him enough attention. :( I am not at all proud to type that. Nevertheless, I had anticipated texting him on this day to let him know that I remembered his birthday and that he is special.

So, in light of all this, I decided to text another Deaf person for his number. I was shocked at the response I got. In a nutshell, this other Deaf boy told me that he does not have Dane's number because they were not friends. I may have been too naive because I had assumed that Deaf culture was different and I had preconceived notions that all Deaf persons are friends lol.

Then and there it hit me! Deaf people are human. Of course I knew that before...I never thought that they were any other species lol. However, their humaness stood out to me that day. Deafness does not exempt anyone from bitter emotions, anger, resentment, selfishness, pride and their bosom buddies. I had not realised that I had idealised their world until this experience.
It became clear that each human heart is distinct yet severely similar. Though our hearts may beat for different people, in different times and places, each beat says the same thing and exposes several universal concerns. Some of those concerns are the need to be loved and to belong. Yet we are also susceptible to common enemies of greed, fear, lust and the like.

Why then do we think that we are better than others? Humanity in itself levels us!! The experiences of life and the reality of death levels us! lol Oh, what a wonderful world...may we stop to see its wonder.

"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves" Philippians 2:3
Jesus showed us how to live this selfless life. If Jesus could wash another man's feet, who am I to consider myself better than anyone else. Whether deaf or hearing, blind or seeing, sick or healthy, rich or poor, lame or walking, our worth comes from God who gave us ALL a purpose.


Nancy Marshall said...

Dear Sweet Alana,
It's a joy to read your honest and open...truly a log on the journey.
I'm excited to hear the officer was so supportive of the drivers license test takers. He even posed for a picture.

I'm also excited to hear that the spelling bee words are on tape and done. Phew.

Please tell Ian hello from me and the people at Jesus' Deaf Church. Someone mentions his name almost every day.

May God guide you and continue to encourage you, Alana.

Zisca said...

Dear Nancy

I appreciate you. You are an encouragement to me.

Well you must know that these posts document recent past experiences that I had with the Deaf. I'm trying to do them quickly so I could get up to date with what's taking place currently. Nevertheless as I write them it encourages me because I am able to look back and see how God has worked! Isn't He AWESOME!

I will tell Ian that everyone sends their love!!