Christmas Fellowship

Sunday 21st December 2008

Let me begin by saying I have NEVER seen so many Deaf persons gather at church before!! Wow! The turn out was amazing! First of all, I had little input in the overall planning of the fellowship. I just contacted a few invited hearing people. That's it. Everything else was administered by the Deaf leaders. I am really proud of them all.

The previous Sunday at Deaf Church, each person chose a name to give a gift to as well as a food item to bring to the fellowship. Well, "dat was food!" There were so many cakes and drinks that they eventually gave cakes away as prizes for games lol. Yes, our cup was running over in abundance. The food went well together and everything was sufficient.
We opened with a few people and as the day progress more people kept joining. Among the specially invited guests present were Pastor Mark, Sister Pearl, Adele, Winette and my mom. Presentations were made to these people for their support in the Deaf Ministry. Denyse, Nadine and Omar were also there. Sister Pearl was present at the former half of the fellowship and was able to experience typical Deaf Church activites like prayer, singing, Bible quizzes and dramatisation or miming of scripture verses. All games were Bible oriented and tested everyone's knowledge of Bible stories.

Roger mimed the story of the ten lepers who Jesus healed and only one returned (Luke 17:11-19). This was the first time I witnessed miming by the Deaf and I was very impressed. I remember Sister Pearl saying that she was so glad she came while they were miming.

There was much laughter and interaction. All in all, it was a great fellowship. When Pastor Mark arrived he looked at the number of people and said "This is nice". He was able to sit and interact with some of the Deaf present even though he did not know sign language. It was good to see him interacting with them. What was even better to watch was when he held Shevon's new born baby fondly in his arms :)

I was also able to get to know Omar a little better in the midst of all his hard work. I cant help but feel like he is the brother I've always had. I cant believe that I've only now formally met him lol. He has a wonderful sense of humour and he so easy to talk to. I am just amazed at how God orders things. I am definitely no social butterfly yet God places me with people who I feel comfortable with and seem to fit with. I think that's so amazing! Praise God!

As the games progressed, I was eventually called upon to participate. Nadine and Denyse were my competitors lol. We had to list the names of the books from the New Testament in order but BACKWARDS lol. To be quite frank - I don't even know the books in order from first to last! lol Anyway, some way somehow, I was the last man standing even though I was unable to recite all the books. I won a pear and a lovely pair of green earrings :) I was also among the large group receiving a pear/apple just because it was their first Christmas Fellowship with the Deaf.

The gift exchange was also successful and Ian skilfully addressed all inconsistencies. Again, I was really impressed by the planning and organisation. Everyone was able to get a gift. I had bought a gift for a Deaf boy who did not come and so I had to give this gift to Gerard. I was happy and ready and willing to do that!! It was an absolute pleasure to give this gift to Gerard because I felt that he deserved to get something special for Christmas and I know that he would appreciate it above all else. When he opened the gift, the smile on his face was priceless. The joy of Christmas flooded my heart there and then.

I MUST note all the precious babies that were at the Fellowship. Krystal's baby was silent as usual but actively running up and down the room enjoying and entertaining herself. She seems to love other babies :) What was most precious about her is when she began to sign with her little fingers and sweet expression. I thought it was the most fascinating thing to witness!!

Well Shevon's baby slept through the Fellowship with his cute little self. Crystal's baby was the SWEETEST, most ADORABLE and CUTEST baby ever! This was the first time that I saw her and I fell in love instantaneously!! The first time I looked at her she looked at me with her bright little eyes and gave me the most precious and wonderful smile in the world! I AM NOT OVEREXAGGERATING. I think she was the highlight of my day. I couldnt take my eyes off her. Awwwwww :D

This was the BEST fellowship I've ever been to. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and I enjoyed everyone's company completely. I was also happy to know that the Deaf were able to come to a safe place to celebrate the joy of the season. I smile and when I think about it :) Isn't our God an awesome God?!

Of course I couldn't help but go to work smiling the next day ;-)

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