Opening of National Disabilities Week 2008

Monday 1st December 2008 (during the day)

Today Roger, Shevon, Ian, Man Di and I went to POS for the Opening of National Disabilities Week. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Man Di was also able to meet and interact with more Deaf people from our local Deaf community. I felt an inner feeling of contentment and peace just being there among numerous NGOs that focus on disabled people.

Some of the groups did Special Presentations. Here are some pictures:

1. Immortelle Children's Centre for Special Education Limited - Sailor Dance

2. I did not get the name of this organisation but this group focuses on those with Down Syndrome - Sailor Dance

3. Memisa Vocational Training Centre - "Oh Come Let Us Adore Him"

4. Memisa Vocational Training Centre - African Dance with drums

5. Touch of Christ - Drama

  • Family

  • What not to do: this depicts the parents (female and male on far left) ignoring their Deaf daughter as the family looks at TV
    What to do: Explain what is taking place on TV to the Deaf family member.


  • What not to do:
  • The Interpreter (female on far right) is ignoring the Deaf student as the Teacher teaches the class.

What to do:
As the Teacher teaches his class, the Interpreter interprets for the Deaf student.

  • Work
  • What not to do: Boss pays hearing and deaf workers unequally. The hearing worker earns a higher wage.

  • What to do: Boss pays hearing and deaf workers equally
Also included in the Opening was Sherwin Winchester who launched his new song for Disabled persons entitled "Yes We Can"

One thing I remember is Man Di walking pass me and saying "I'm glad I came". I was happy to be there too! :)

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