
Sunday 9th November 2008

On this Sunday I had my first Evangelistic effort with some of the Deaf. Sister Julia had spoken to me some time before about a Deaf man living in an abandoned house in her community and had expressed interest in the Deaf reaching out to him. So we decided to go with Sis Julia to Gasparillo and visit this Deaf man after church.

We prayed and went to Gasparillo. When we got there we searched for this nameless Deaf man who Sis Julia calls "Fred" and we could not find him.We went to the abandoned home where he stayed but he was not there. I think Roger, Shevon, Rassul and Sindy's heart reached out to this Deaf man after they saw the abandoned home overgrown with grass without electricity and running water. We learnt that "Fred" was a slim, middle-aged man who had no evident friends or family and did not know sign language...

Sis Julia opened her home to us and she, her husband and her daughter were quite hospitable. It was Sis Julia's birthday and Roger, Shevon, Rassul and Sindy signed Happy Birthday to her! She was so happy! We tried to find "Fred" again but our efforts were futile. We decided to return another time.

I was so happy we were able to go and it was also pleasing to see how Roger, Shevon, Rassul and Sindy were concerned about "Fred's" well being. We believe that God will make a way for him to join the family of Christ and meet with people like himself and start a new life in Christ! Amen.

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