SWRHA - Sign Language Open House

Friday 21st November 2008

Today Roger, Krystal, Sindy, Ian, Shevon and I did a Special Presentation for a Sign Language 'Open House' at Paradise Plum, Paradise Pastures, San Fernando. This was hosted by the South-West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) together with National Centre for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD).

This was a good experience. I was able to meet more Deaf and also more people associated with the Deaf. I finally met Ms Beverly Beckles - CEO NCPD and Mr Terrence Honore - Executive Assistant to the CEO of SWRHA after corresponding with them on the phone. I think the most memorable meeting was a middle-aged woman whose name I can't remember. She approached us after the session and told me that tears came to her eyes after we did the song. Making a difference is what is important and if it means that we made a difference in just one life, that is what matters most. It is not the applause at the end of ministering but the people that were ministered to.

I also want to thank God for providing transportation. We met in church before going to the 'Open House' and we were not sure how we were going to get there. YET God provided! Just as we were walking down the staircase, we met David and he took us there. Praise be to God who ALWAYS takes care of His own!!

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
After this session we went to see Shevon's new born son and his wife at the hospital. Several Deaf were there and they all came to support the young couple. I was happy to be there to see Shevon Junior :)

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