Marriage Counseling with Sister Pearl

Monday 17th November 2008

On this afternoon, Roger, Krystal, Sindy, Ian, Shevon and I practised the song. After which, Sister Pearl had a Marriage Counseling Session with the Deaf Married Couples. I remember Sister Pearl telling me that it was nice to hear me laugh while we were practising the song. When I stop to consider it, it is hard not to laugh when I'm with them! Even as I write this I'm smiling :).

Well this Marriage Counseling Session was such a success! It was not just a learning experience for me but also for the four couples present. Stephen and Fatimah, Roger and Sindy, Lisa and Kamal and Shevon who also represented his wife Pauline were very enthusiastic about the lessons taught. Sister Pearl did such a wonderful job searching and explaining the Word of God as it pertains to marriage. Just looking at the faces of each person as they got the revelation of God's intended plan for marriage was very telling. I could see that they understood what was taught and I could tell that the lesson was an eyeopening one.

I think one of the best things about Sister Pearl's teaching strategy is that she allowed each person to search the Scriptures and dramatise God's Word. Also, she used the white board to draw and write as she taught. This was very impacting mainly because the Deaf are visual learners. I could see that they respected her and looked up to her. They asked questions and even requested that the session go on for another 30 minutes.

At the end of the session Kamal commented that areas that were once dark were illuminated by Sister Pearl's lesson. Stephen requested more sessions and Lisa stated that if they were exposed to more sessions like these they would be able to grow spiritually. Shevon, Roger and Sindy agreed.

I was so happy that Sister Pearl came. She was such a blessing to all. I think it is fair to say that we all appreciated her and the wisdom she imparted. I don't think I could finish express what that session meant to those couples. I am truly looking forward to more of these sessions with Sister Pearl!

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