Deaf Spelling Bee Competition

Wednesday 3rd December 2008

This was the day of the long awaited for, much anticipated, Deaf Spelling Bee Competition!!! The Working Committee (Nadine, Ian, Shevon, Christa and I), the Judges and Interpreters, my mom and the participants all got to City Hall Auditorium early and started to put things in place for this event.


  1. Chrystal Dial - Touch of Christ RC Deaf Community
  2. Christopher Mohammed - Touch of Christ RC Deaf Community
  3. Paulette Rodriguez - Deaf Pioneers Life Centre
  4. Tenielle Smith - Deaf Pioneers Life Centre
For me, the most outstanding person in this competition was the winner. She did not stop smiling from the moment she won until I left the building. I was so happy for her and I felt that all those tiring days and meetings was worth it because it meant that we put a smile on a young girl's face! I had the pleasure of hearing her testimony as one of the news reporters interviewed her. She had only began studying the Word List the day before but she has a genuine love for reading and words. She said that when she reads the newspaper or looks at TV and sees a word she does not know she immediately looks it up in the dictionary. I was even more thrilled when she said how happy she was to receive her laptop because she wants to learn more about computers!! That day was the first time I met her but I cant forget her humility during the competition and her pretty coloured eyes and winning smile! Congratulations Chrystal!!


  1. hp Laptop
  2. Video Camera
  3. Digital Camera
  4. $1000
  5. Other competitors received certificates.
I must also thank Mr Dale Dass from Caribbean Resellers. At the ninety nineth hour (day before the competition) we requested the first, second and third prizes. It was with a genuine smile and willing spirit that he said "Sure, no problem" lol. He delivered the prizes for us and we even got significantly reduced prices. Thank God for Mr Dale Dass!! He has been a blessing to Agape!

After the competition, Man Di and I went to Christmas Village at the Oasis. That night when we got home I combed her hair in some 'cane-rows'. Man Di's time with us was like having a sister with me for the week!

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